CEO of Backflip180, LLC.
CocoapodsはiOSやOSXの開発で便利なオープンソースのモジュール管理ツールです。 モジュールの数が多くて何のモジュールか良くわからなかったりするので、一覧を作ってみました。
A simple SDK for accessing the 500px API.
_.m strives to provide a full Underscore.js feature set in Objective-C in a way that is familiar to JavaScript developers by using Subjective-Script.
Blocks are to functions as A2DynamicDelegate is to delegates.
Supplement your segues' identifier strings with context objects.
A3GridTableView is a UIScrollView subclass with a high performance GridView style layouting. It has similar delegate methods to a UITableView and can be even used like one. The difference is that the A3GridTableView aligns his section in collumns and not in one flow.
Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.
Simple framework to let your application's launch image fade-out to its initial view.
Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.
Objective-C Address Book wrapper.
Find the address book card (ABRecordRef) of the owner of an iOS device.
Multiton pattern implementation or singletons manager.
An open source iOS component to create a drawing app.
Development tools to make my life (and yours) a little bit easier.
The ACEView framework aims to allow you to use the ACE source code editor in your Cocoa applications, as if it were a native control.
Dead simple keychain wrapper for iOS.
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
An Objective-C implementation of ActiveSupport's Inflector.
ActiveRecord implementation for iOS using TouchDB.
Allows the easy sequencing of blocks to avoid a spaghetti mess.
A configurable range selector control for iOS, similar to UISlider but with three handles.
Adam iOS SDK with Helper.
NSInvocationOperation are used under the hood in place of GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) since operations put in a NSOperationQueue object can be canceled. This threading fashion allows optimized long scrolling where a lot of cells are displayed and immediately reused/disappeared, without the obligation to execute the job of no more visible cells. ADBBackgroundCells are block-based and use Objective-C runtime.
ADBIndexedTableView uses Objective-C runtime, introspection and message forwarding.
ADClusterMapView is a drop-in subclass of MKMapView that displays and animate clusters of annotations. This is very useful in cases where you have to display many annotations on the map. Concept and implementation were described on Applidium's [website][].
ADiOSUtilities is collection of static libraries with re-useable iOS awesomeness.
adlibr SDK with helper.
The Google AdMob Ads SDK allows developers to easily incorporate mobile-friendly text and image banners as well as rich, full-screen web apps known as interstitials.
Shortcut function for AdMob.
ADNKit is an Objective-C framework for building iOS and OS X applications.
AdPost iOS SDK with Helper.
Progress Bar Design with Percentage values.
Provides a lightweight set of utilities for communication, security, storage and more.
Provides an Objective-C One Time Password API.
AFNetworking Client for the Amazon S3 API.
AFCache is an HTTP cache for iOS and OSX seeking towards full RFC2616 compliance. The cache was initially written because on iOS, NSURLCache ignores NSURLCacheStorageAllowed and instead treats it as NSURLCacheStorageAllowedInMemoryOnly which is pretty useless for a persistent cache.
An extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse CSV using CHCSVParser.
A progressive download operation for AFNetworking.
An AFNetworking extension to automatically generate a HTTP Archive file of all of your network requests.
A configurable HTTP request logger for AFNetworking.
AFNetworking Extension for HTTP Request Logging.
Change log level with hardware volume buttons.
Downloads JPEG images asynchronously and decompresses them on a background thread.
Core Data Persistence with AFNetworking, Done Right.
AFNetworking Extension for the JSONP format.
A JSON-RPC client build on AFNetworking.
An extension for AFNetworking that provides an interface to parse XML using KissXML.
AFOAuth1Client for LinkedIn.
A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework.
AFNetworking-RACExtensions is a delightful extension to the AFNetworking classes for iOS and Mac OS X.
Make AFNetworking reactive.
AFNetworking Extension for OAuth 1.0a Authentication.
AFNetworking Extension for OAuth 2 Authentication.
AFNetworking Client for the Qiita API.
AFNetworking Extension for document previews of remote files.
AFOAuth1Client for Tumblr.
An API Client for Registering and Unregistering Devices with Urban Airship.
AFNetworking Extension for XAuth Authentication.
A bundle of small classes which enriches your possibilities with UIKit and CoreAnimation.
Easily localize your iOS apps by automatically extracting texts from code and XIB files into a Localizable strings.
Light library to visually check your app images.
AGImagePickerController is a image picker controller that allows you to select multiple photos and can be used for all iOS devices.
AGMedallionView is a picture view control just like the one that Apple is using at the login screen in Mac OS X Lion.
C macro for async operations in unit tests. Example: WAIT_WHILE(!jobDone, limitInSeconds);.
AGWindowView is a UIView which can be added directly to UIWindow. It handles rotation and frame changes of statusbar for you.
is a powerful, block-based alternative to UIKit's UIAlertView
A supplemental library of easing functions for C, C++, and Objective-C.
A Airbrake Notifier for iOS.
Notice component for iPhone and iPad. All core graphics code and resolution independent.
Simple CLLocationManager subclass with block support and convenience methods.
AKSegmentedControl is a fully customizable Segmented Control for iOS.
A UIView category aimed at referencing common attributes a little less robotically.
AKTabBarController is an adaptive and customizable tab bar for iOS.
ALActionBlocks Category on UIControl to allow use of blocks instead of selectors.
A nice ALAssetsLibrary category for saving images & videos into custom photo album.
Invisible UIAlertView and spying.
Algolia Search Offline enables developers to quickly deliver Google-like instant search inside their apps, with features like type ahead search, typo-tolerance, instant visual feedback and geosearch.
Algolia Search Offline enables developers to quickly deliver Google-like instant search inside their apps, with features like type ahead search, typo-tolerance, instant visual feedback and geosearch.
A UITableView subclass which automatically sorts your data elements into sections keyed by letter. Supports both custom data elements (which conform to a protocol) and CoreData elements.
ALRadial is meant to replicate the radial menu's found in the path ios app. A central button is used to display many others eminating out in a circle.
Android-like toast messages for iOS.
A UILabel subclass with mention/hashtag/link highlighting.
AmazeKit is a library for rendering beautiful images in your iOS app.
A fork of brcosm's AmazonSDB (an iOS interface to Amazon's SimpleDB web service). Changes: Uses Blocks instead of a delegate, has better error handling, support for multi-value attributes, and more.
A popup button/menu that allows selection of multiple options.
AMRatingControl is a UI control that resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app. AMRatingControl allows you to select a rating starting from 0 to any number of stars you want. You can use default star symbols and customize colors or specify custom images.
SlideOut Navigation Controller for iOS. Fully customizable. Analytics library for iOS and OSX.
Reader for Mac like Animation NSSegmentedControl.
Encode / Decode JSON by any means possible.
iOS SDK for the Appacitive platform.
This category makes it super easy to add a parallax header view to your table views. Other alternatives relies on subclassing of UITableViewController or UITableView. APParallaxHeader uses the Objective-C runtime instead to add the following method to UIScrollView.
A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.
The "CoreAudio" folder contains the Public Utility sources (PublicUtility folder) as well as base classes required for codec and audio unit development. These utility classes are used by various Apple Core Audio sample project and extend or wrap Core Audio API's.
Additionally (and tagged separately) there is a branch which has (some) fixes for issues where the Currently supplied Apple code won't work with clang/llvm.
AppSocially iOS SDK.
Apptentive Customer Communications SDK.
AppXperience is an advertising fmk of mobile applications.
A simple, lightweight, yet equally powerful version of Three20's TTPickerTextField.
XML DOM for iPhone and iPod Touch.
A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.
Using subspecs you can define your analytics provider with the same API.
ARC Helper consists of a set of macros that are designed to be used in place of the standard Objective-C memory management functions and macros. These macros will generate code appropriate to the build target.
ARC Helper is modular: - For projects that are designed to work only with ARC enabled, you can use just the second and/or 3rd modules on their own (the part from "Weak reference support" down) and omit the first block. - For projects that are iOS only, you don't need the 3rd module (the part from "Weak delegate support" down), which deals with weak references to classes such as NSWindowController on Mac OS that do not support weak references under Mac OS 10.7.
Archimedes contains useful geometry functions for your Cocoa or Cocoa Touch application.
ARCMacro.h realizes compilation of Objective-C source files both in Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) compilation mode and Manual Reference Counting (MRC, non-ARC) compilation mode without changing the compiler switch. This is useful when you provide a library in the source code form for ARC apps and MRC apps. And your code can take advantage of the ARC mode that is much safer.
iOS component to configure TableViews.
ARSafeJSON is a small library that will strip all occurences of NSNull from a JSON of any depth.
The ARTableViewPager is an iOS component for horizontal table view scrolling/paging.
A dispatch queue where you only ever have one block queued.
Converts NSAttributedStrings between AppKit, CoreText, UIKit and HTML.
ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.
It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.
ASStarRatingView is a control to rating with stars, it is simple to use and configurable.
Asynchronous Test for OCTest (SenTest).
Like GHUnit AsyncTestCase functions.
Library for the creation of HUDs in iPhone applications.
ATValidations is a data validation library for several programming languages.
AudioQueue player for playing multiple music files or looping musics.
A fast and extensible audio streamer for iOS and OSX with support for gapless playback and custom (non-HTTP) sources.
A drop-in UILabel replacement that makes almost all properties animatable by using a CATextLayer instead of CALayer. Properties animatable in AUIAnimatableText and not in UILabel: textColor, text, font, fontSize.
AURosetteView is a easy-to-use, clean and lightweight share button primary for social platforms.
AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying to any object.
AutoDescribe is like PHPs var_dump and print_r. Public and private properties are pretty printed.
Provides marquee like UILabel scrolling, think iPod track title scrolling.
Aviary's photo editing SDK for iOS.
Path 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :).
iOS 6 share style actionsheet.
The AWS SDK for iOS provides a library, code samples, and documentation for developers to build connected mobile applications using AWS.
Check and notify user that new version is available from Local Notification.
AYNetworking is a API extension of AFNetworking.
A series of UI and drawing-related Objective-C components.
A client for objective-c. Cocoapods-friendly. Appledocs. Built of AFNetworking and SocketRocket. Websockets + XHR.
RubyMotion helper classes for Objective-C.
Baidu mobile tongji analytics SDK for iOS.
RFC 4648 Base32 implementation in Objective-C ARC.
RFC 4648 Base64 implementation in Objective-C ARC.
Base64 is a set of categories that provide methods to encode and decode data as a base-64-encoded string.
BaseKit is a set of IOS class to make your life easier.
BaseModel provides a base class for building model objects for your iOS or Mac OS projects. It saves you the hassle of writing boilerplate code, and encourages good practices by reducing the incentive to cut corners in your model implementation.
The BaseModel object uses Plists and the NSCoding protocol for serialisation. It is not designed for use with Core Data, although in principle the class could be extended to work with Core Data if needed by changing the BaseModel superclass to an NSManagedObject.
BaseModel is really designed as an alternative to Core Data for developers who prefer to have a little more control over the implementation of their data stack. BaseModel gives you precise control over the location and serialisation of your data files, whilst still proving enough automatic behaviour to save you from writing the same code over and over again.
BaseModel is designed to work with the AutoCoding and HRCoder libraries.
The Bazaarvoice software development kit (SDK) for iOS is an iOS static library that provides an easy way to generate REST calls to the Bazaarvoice Developer API. Using this SDK, mobile developers can quickly integrate Bazaarvoice content into their native iOS apps for iPhone and iPad on iOS 5 or newer.
Create drum beats with as many voices (hi-hat, snare, bass drum, etc.) as you want.
A modern HTTP client framework for iOS/OSX built on top of libcurl.
BButton is a subclass of UIButton that looks like the Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.1 buttons.
OSX style genie effect inside your iOS app.
Classes for extending the abilities of NSStatusItem including drag & drop and getting its location.
Data-aware view-controller that displays a UIView list in an animated automated/customized laid out grid.
A set of helper functions I've been using in various XCode projects, abstracted for great good.
An animated UIView for displaying a temporary "bezel" notification, mid-screen.
Simple block-based concurrent multiple-URL data downloader based only on NSURLConnection. Your app needs to download concurrently from multiple URLs (local or not). This class does it a simple way using blocks and NSURLConnection.
Easy way to display non-obstructive messages to user without having to worry about its behavior and conflicts with other views.
An iPhone view controller to visualize and control music playback.
BeeDebugger can show your system info and memeory usage when running your app.
Just add [BeeDebugger show]; after [
Bee Framework is a MVC Framework to develop iOS application. It has pretty clear hieracy and signal based mechanism, also with cache and asynchonized networking methods in it. Add BEE_DEBUGGER=1 in build setting of Pods target and add [BeeDebugger show] to AppDelegate to enable Bee Debugger.
Completion and Error blocks for NSURLConnection.
A better crop tool for iOS.
A web-browser like tab bar implementation for iOS4+.
A lightweight iOS library inspired by Cocoa Bindings.
Class to shorten URLs with on iOS (both block based and delegate based using ARC).
An easy to use library/control to allow the user to crop an image to their specfications. If you use it, I'd love to know! Twitter: @barrettjacobsen.
A "progress bar" that also allows you to select a range. I use it to indicate progress of recording audio, represent trimming it, and then playing back only the selected range.
Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot.
You can insert some Blocks before and after the method.
AFNetworkingXMLRequestOperation based RSS parser.
The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
Category on NSBlock to add the type signature to the description.
Image based replacement for UISwitch.
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
An Objective-C operation to resize your images correctly and quickly.
BotKit is a Cocoa Touch static library for use in iOS projects.
An Objective-C library for using the box API.
Box2D is an open source C++ engine for simulating rigid bodies in 2D. Box2D is developed by Erin Catto and has the zlib license. While the zlib license does not require acknowledgement, we encourage you to give credit to Box2D in your product.
All the things that Foundation should have, but doesn't.
A library of boilerplate actions for use in conjunction with templates.
Simple helpers for accessing the iOS photo library.
A utility class for displaying status updates in the iOS status bar.
Library to encapsulate all the handling of getting/storing the new UUID.
A collection of Objective-C classes and extensions used for finding and handling accessibility elements.
The Media API component of the Brightcove Video Cloud App SDK for iOS.
The Player and Sharing Kit component of the Brightcove Video Cloud App SDK for iOS.
Brightcove Video Cloud Player SDK for iOS.
Macros and helpers for logging, debugging, and metaprogramming.
Put controls above the keyboard in your iPhone or iPad app.
A custom UIPickerView with a simple list of options, along with a toolbar for Done/Cancel and a faded backdrop view.
BSON, short for Binary JSON, is a binaryencoded serialization of JSONlike documents. Like JSON, BSON supports the embedding of documents and arrays within other documents and arrays.
BugSense for iOS.
iOS notifier for SDK for
A super simple Objective-C client for Pusher.
Simple IOS controller that show a full screen textView with keyboard.
Small library that parse JSON and map it to any object, works with NSManagedObject.
Small library that transform an object into a dictionary that can be send to a web service.
Skip the HTML, Bypass takes markdown and renders it directly on Android and iOS.
Category which allows the usage of start and completion blocks in CAAnimation instances, instead of a delegate.
Caboodle builds on Foundation to implement missing data structures.
Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.
Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.
Using the Camera+ app integration API, developers can integrate Camera+ functionality into their apps.
Allows you to capture the screen, record the tester's face (using the device's front facing camera), record the tester's voice (using the device's microphone), record user input and touch events, and export as a single video to your camera roll. Its intended to be used to perform basic usability testing.
The Essential StoreKit Companion.
Cauly SDK with helper.
Introspect is a tool for iOS that aids in debugging user interfaces built with UIKit. Communicates with View Introspector, a desktop app.
A refined scrolling tab bar for iPhone.
GestureRecognizers support for cocos2d, add UIGestureRecognizers to CCNode's.
Debug log/assertion macro collections for debug mode only. Append file, line, time to macro
CedarAsync lets you use [Cedar]( matchers to
test asynchronous code. This becomes useful when writing intergration tests rather than plain unit tests. (CedarAsync only supports Cedar's should syntax.)
Instead of
client.lastResponse should contain(@"Google");
in_time(client.lastResponse) should contain(@"Google");
to force contain
matcher check client.lastResponse
multiple times until
it succeeds or times out.
A UIPickerView that pops up, just like the Facebook app.
Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X. It is meant to be as much of a drop-in replacement for the real UIKit as possible. It also adapts some iOS user interface conventions to the Mac (such as UIAlertView being represented by NSAlert) so that apps built using Chameleon have as much chance as possible of feeling at home on the desktop with relatively little porting effort.
ChartboostSDK for showing ads and more apps pages, and tracking analytics and in-app purchase revenue.
A proper CSV parser for Objective-C.
Have you ever lamented the absence of queues, stacks, and trees from the Cocoa API? How many times have you considered writing your own, or scoured the web to see if someone else had? Well, look no further, the work has been done for you! CHDataStructures is a library of standard data structures which can be used in any Objective-C program, for educational purposes, or as a foundation for other data structures to build on. Data structures in this library adopt Objective-C protocols that define the functionality of and API for interacting with any implementation thereof, regardless of its internals.
Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C.
A port of Matt Thompsons ChromaHash JS secure password field.
A MobileSafari like open source implementation.
API Client for Context.IO.
UIImage category for merge two images.
Infinityscroll in iOS.
Scheme url for iOS. Parsing URL and launch an application on a specified controller.
NSString category divers helpers.
NSString category to help the validate formate string.
A sleek, easily customized calendar control for iOS.
A pull-to-refresh view for iOS 5, 100% API-compatible with UIRefreshControl in iOS 6.
A collection of UI Tools I use every day to make my life easier. Hopefully others will find them useful too.
A simple obj-c library for converting classes which follow Key-Value Coding (KVC) conventions to other objects.
The Clipper library primarily performs the boolean clipping operations - intersection, union, difference & xor - on 2D polygons. It also performs polygon offsetting. The library handles complex (self-intersecting) polygons, polygons with holes and polygons with overlapping co-linear edges. Input polygons for clipping can use EvenOdd, NonZero, Positive and Negative filling modes. The clipping code is based on the Vatti clipping algorithm, and out performs other clipping libraries.
Easily upload images to the cloud. Automatically perform smart image resizing, cropping and conversion without installing any complex software. Integrate Facebook or Twitter profile image extraction in a snap, in any dimension and style to match your website’s graphics requirements. Images are seamlessly delivered through a fast CDN, and much much more. Cloudinary offers comprehensive APIs and administration capabilities and is easy to integrate with any web application, existing or new. Cloudinary provides URL and HTTP based APIs that can be easily integrated with any Web development framework.
Example Here's how you might use it for simple A/B testing:
[ClutchAB testWithName:@"signUpBtnColor" A:{ // Display green sign-up button } B:{
// Display blue sign-up button
More documentation can be found at:
Environment variables to your iOS project in a nicely way.
FactoryGirl and fixture loader for iOS.
CMHTMLView is UIWebView wrapper to provide easy access to show rich text content (HTML) with native look and feel.
An in-app notification view above the navigation bar totally based on MPNotificationView.
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
Uses KVO to mediate changes to an NSSet very similar to an NSFetchedResultController with sorting and grouping without the need for CoreData.
It is a special impelementation to show you the content you would like to see. It mimics the behavior you have just seen in Notification Center (the Slide-In effect) of Mountain Lion.
CNBaseView is a subclass of NSView that can shows an icon and/or a text message if it has no subviews.
It has full delegate and dataSource support with method calls like known from NSTableView/UITableView.
CNSKit is a collection of utility-classes that make the life easier.
CNSplitView is an feature enhanced derivative of NSSplitView. It has support for sticky top or bottom toolbars for each of its subviews.
Opinionated categories on default objc-classes.
Cocoa library for creating signed requests according to the OAuth 1.0a standard.
A ActiceRecord style data modeling for Objective C.
CocoaAsyncSocket supports TCP and UDP. The AsyncSocket class is for TCP, and the AsyncUdpSocket class is for UDP. AsyncSocket is a TCP/IP socket networking library that wraps CFSocket and CFStream. It offers asynchronous operation, and a native Cocoa class complete with delegate support or use the GCD variant GCDAsyncSocket. AsyncUdpSocket is a UDP/IP socket networking library that wraps CFSocket. It works almost exactly like the TCP version, but is designed specifically for UDP. This includes queued non-blocking send/receive operations, full delegate support, run-loop based, self-contained class, and support for IPv4 and IPv6.
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications.
CocoaLibSpotify is an Objective-C wrapper around our libspotify library. It provides easy access to libspotify's features in a friendly, KVC/O compliant Objective-C wrapper.
It is similar in concept to other popular logging frameworks such as log4j, yet is designed specifically for objective-c, and takes advantage of features such as multi-threading, grand central dispatch (if available), lockless atomic operations, and the dynamic nature of the objective-c runtime.
Encrypt/Decrypt: AES. Hash: MD5, SHA(SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512). Encode/Decode: Base64, Hex.
A simple way to interact with the SoundCloud CocoaSoundCloudAPI.
A simple way to share audio on
CoconutKit is a library of high-quality iOS components written at hortis le studio and in my spare time. It includes several tools for dealing with view controllers, multi-threading, view animations, as well as some new controls and various utility classes. These components are meant to make the life of an iOS programmer easier by reducing the boilerplate code written every day, improving code quality and enforcing solid application architecture.
cocos2d for iPhone is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications for iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad and Mac. It is based on the cocos2d design but instead of using python it, uses objective-c.
CODialog is a completely configurable, almost pixel perfect replacement for UIAlertView.
A collapsible list that functions like a UITableView.
ColorPicker for iPhone and iPod touch.
iTunes 11-style color matching code.
ColorPopover is a simple component for iOS that provides a "Popover" color picker.
100s of beautiful, predefined UIColors and UIColor methods.
This implements a category on NSData for performing digest, HMAC, and cryptographic operations on the contents of the receiver, all of which are based on the CommonCrypto C API.
A set of Objective-C additions and macros that lets you write code more quickly.
Tokenized People Picker. Re-implementation of the email address picker of iCal (work in progress).
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
A shift/reduce parsing framework for Mac OS X and iOS.
Core Plot is a plotting framework for OS X and iOS. It provides 2D visualization of data, and is tightly integrated with Apple technologies like Core Animation, Core Data, and Cocoa Bindings.
Label to draw NSAttributedString or HTML with custom font and color. numberOfLines and lineSpacing is supported.
This codebase implements CCoreTextLabel, a UILabel style class that supports attributed strings and simple HTML.
Objective-C API for CouchDB on iOS and Mac OS.
Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics application.
CountryPicker is a custom UIPickerView subclass that provides an iOS control allowing a user to select a country from a list.
Declaratively describe animation sequences that consist of multiple steps.
Easy protection for iOS apps from cracking.
Code I'd rather not rewrite a thousand times.
CreditCardCheck is a Cocoa/Objective-C class to check for the validity of credit card numbers using the Luhn Algorithm.
Mobile App Performance Monitoring and Crash Reporting.
A progress view that transitions a grayscale image to a full-color image.
Linear layout view designed to simplify relative layouts on iOS.
Implementation of the URI Template spec.
Format data to the comma-separated values format.
libtidy Objective-C wrapper.
An NSDate Category With Locale-Aware Calculations for Beginning & End of Day, Week, Month, and Year.
Draws a typical iOS badge indicator with a custom text on any view.
Easy remote video playback in a UIView
Matt Gallagher's Singleton macro.
A shared NSDateFormatter cache to improve scrolling performance in UITableViewCells.
A Cocos2d CCNode subclass that lets you draw arbitrary collections of triangles.
A spinnable CCLayer subclass.
A cocos2d class for drawing textures with Core Graphics and Core Text.
A photo picker offering 'use last photo taken', 'take photo', and 'choose from library'.
DAAppsViewController is a simple way of displaying apps from the App Store in an aesthetically similar manner. The user is able to view each app’s App Store page by launching an instance of SKStoreProductViewController. Particularly useful for showing an app developer’s other apps.
DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties. It was built to be an imitation of Facebook's photo progress indicator.
This SDK allows you to integrate Dailymotion in your iOS applications.
DAKeyboardControl allows you to easily add keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (a receding keyboard ala iMessages app) to any UIView subclass with only 1 line of code.
Improved Facebook profile picture view.
A collection of code I use across all of my apps.
A subclass of NSWindowController that provides an easy way to create preference windows.
Introspect is small set of tools for iOS that aid in debugging user interfaces built with UIKit.
Automatic KeyValue Object Mapping for Objective-C, parse JSON/Plist/XML automatically, support Core Data, convetion over configuration.
A custom segue which makes a 'pushed back' modal presenting animation.
A 'modern' replica of UISwitch.
DCTTextFieldValidator takes an array of UITextFields and switches the return key on the keyboard if the text fields are valid.
DDExpandableButton is a class designed to be used like an expandable UIButton; as seen in the iOS Camera app for the flash button.
Objective-C Cocoa Wrapper for javascript google analytics tracking. a demo on github shows how to easily use it into your app.
Sync your NSUserDefaults to iCloud automatically (rewrite of MKiCloudSync with conflict handling).
iOS 'Utility' Class that monitors the microphone and watches for hissing noises and sends notifications. demo on github.
DDPageControl redefines exactly every property and methods available in UIPageControl. Using DDPageControl without customization will actually lead exactly to a UIPageControl. However, the power of DDPageControl is that you can set some additional properties that will affect the way the look and feel of the page controls.
DDProgressView works on both iOS and Mac OS. You must also compile the AppKitCompatibility.m file when targeting Mac OS.
An extension for the OSX cocoa class QLPreviewPanel. The Category allows to set additional views in the titlebar.
Parses Parameters in URLs.
Facebook compose sheet view controller like in iOS 6.0.
DejalActivityView conveniently displays a horizontal, bezel-style, or keyboard-covering view with a spinning activity indicator and adjustable text.
DerpKit is a set of categories and classes that should've been included in Cocoa Touch.
DETweetComposeViewController is an iOS 4 compatible version of the TWTweetComposeView controller. Otherwise known as the Tweet Sheet.
A simple category that allows you set a block to fire when an object is dealloced..
A very simple category that sends out an NSNotification whenever the device is shaken.
DirectoryWatchdog is a simple utility tool to monitor real time changes in local folders. Most common use is the monitoring of an applications documents directory in combination with iTunes file sharing support. This code uses the BSD kqueue API and should work on OSX as well as iOS.
Drop-in UIImagePickerController replacement w/ landscape support.
A “keep it simple, stupid” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
A turn-key camera capture solution built on top of DIYAV (on top of AVFoundation).
JS to Objective-C... and back again.
Scratch-off images like woah.
DLCImagePickerController is a fast, beautiful and fun way to filter and capture your photos with OpenGL and your iPhone. The majority of the praise should be directed towards BradLarson for his GPUImage library.
iOS star rating component.
Singleton pattern implementation with support for specific instances per subclass.
DMActivityInstagram is a UIActivity for sharing to instagram.
Use with iOS 6's UIActivityViewController.
Includes a resizer view controller class for cropping / resizing non-square images.
Example usage:
* `DMActivityInstagram *instagramActivity = [[DMActivityInstagram alloc] init];`
* `NSString *shareText = @"CatPaint #catpaint";`
* `NSURL *shareURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];`
* `NSArray *activityItems = @[self.imageView.image, shareText, shareURL];`
* `UIActivityViewController *activityController = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:activityItems applicationActivities:@[instagramActivity]];`
[self presentViewController:activityController animated:YES completion:nil];`
Animated NSScrollView with collapsible sections like in XCode Inspector.
This CLLocationManager wrapper allows you to query for the devices location in a convenient way. Control the caching behaviour by disallowing cache or setting the maximum cache age. Loop the location determination for permanent location updates in a defined interval.
A clean log formatter for CocoaLumberjack.
XCode 4.x like inspector segmented control.
Adds Done and Cancel buttons to an iPhone Number Pad.
Subclassable Objective-C singleton.
Library for interacting with Philips Hue lighting systems.
Display gauge-style meter views in an intuitive way with smooth animations.
Class for creating an like setup process from a set of view controllers.
Highly customizable toast view for iOS.
A blocks-based wrapper for the Dropbox iOS SDK.
The Dropbox SDK for iOS.
The Dropbox SDK for OSX.
A simple Objective-C Bar Chart / Histogram library.
DSFavIconManager is a complete solution for displaying favicons.
Utilities for common and advanced graphics operations.
DSGraphicsKit provides support to quickly perform the following operations:
DSUnixTask is a library for Mac OS X which allows to launch and interact with awesome looking UNIX tasks.
to find objects and create instances of
and NSFetchedResultsController
EDSunriseSet is an Objective-C wrapper for the C languages routines created by [Paul Schlyter]. Calculation is done entirely by the C-code routines. EDSunrisetSet bridges those calculations to common cocoa classes (NSDate, NSTimeZone... )
Expecta is a matcher framework for Objective-C and Cocoa. The main advantage of using Expecta over other matcher frameworks is that you do not have to specify the data types. Also, the syntax of Expecta matchers is much more readable and does not suffer from parenthesitis. If you have used Jasmine before, you will feel right at home!
EZForm is a form handling and validation library for iOS. It is designed to be decoupled from your user interface layout, leaving you free to present your form UI any way you like. That doesn't mean EZForm won't integrate with your UI. You tell EZForm which of your controls and views you want to handle each form field, and EZForm will take care of input validation, input filtering and updating views when field values change.
The Facebook SDK for iOS enables you to access the Facebook Platform APIs including the Graph API, FQL, and Dialogs.
You need to get a developer key from first. Then you can easily get the current user, add parents, children, spouses and modify a persons events like birth, death, marriage date, etc. More is coming soon.
Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. Bindings to more than 15 programming languages are available. An easy to read introduction article and a reference manual accompanies the library with examples and recommendations on how to use the library. Several graphical user interfaces are also available for the library.
Client for interacting with the FatSecret API.
FDStatusBarNotifier is a UIView subclass that lets you display notifications using the space in which the status bar resides.
Easily take a photo or video or choose from library.
Library for computing MD5 hashes of files with small memory usage.
A UIWindow subclass that gives you automatic presentation mode in your iOS app.
The Firebase iOS framework for adding realtime data synchronization to your app.
Seamlessly integrate Firebase with Core Data.
A modified grapefrukt-export creates xml descriptions of timeline animations. Flash2Cocos2D imports that xml and recreates what were timeline animations.
UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code.
Simple async processing with pass/miss.
FlurrySDK for analytics tracking and reporting.
A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite.
An iOS UITableView subclass that allows you to move rows without being in edit mode simply by tapping and holding the appropriate row.
A folding view controller for the iOS platform based on the excellent ECSlidingViewController and XYOrigami projects.
A factory for turning Font Awesome pictograms into icon images for user interface controls and buttons. Works for iOS and OS X.
Font Awesome by Dave Gandy -
For iOS apps, edit your app's Info.plist to contain the key: "Fonts provided by application" (UIAppFonts). Then add "FontAwesome.otf" to the list under that key.
For OSX apps, edit your app's Info.plist to contain the key: "Application fonts resource path" (ATSApplicationFontsPath). Set the value to ".".
A project that includes a module for drawing arbitrary .ttf fonts for iPhone.
Since iOS 3.2, you can use custom fonts in your apps but unfortunately, you can't use these custom fonts in Interface Builder. FontReplacer is a solution to this problem.
If your project contains nibs with a lot of labels, it becomes tedious to setup an outlet for every label and change the font in the code for each outlet. Instead choose a font that you won't be using anywhere in your app, e.g. Arial and use it in Interface Builder. Then create a mapping from Arial to your custom font, e.g. Caviar Dreams and let FontReplacer handle the replacement.
A simple Objective-C wrapper for the API.
FormatterKit is a collection of well-crafted NSFormatter subclasses for things like units of information, distance, and relative time intervals. Each formatter abstracts away the complex business logic of their respective domain, so that you can focus on the more important aspects of your application.
This library includes small Foundation/Cocoa/UIKit extensions. This library does not includes high-level data structure, algorithm or frameworks, but collection of code snippets. * Many common snippets in a method call. * Looks like native foundation methods - It follows Apple Coding Guideline and Foundation naming convention. See document on [Github] (
Try FoundationExtension for Foundation extensions. For iOS, UIKitExtension is available too.
An open source implementation of the Fountain screenplay formatting language.
Foursquare API v2 For iOS.
Foursquare API v2 for iOS.
Alternative to the native iOS UIPopoverController, with iPhone support and look and feel customization.
Pretty noise, linear and radial gradient view for iOS.
Cocoa syntax highlighting text view.
You can access x, y, width, height, origin or size like properties. Like this: view.x = 15; view.width = 167;
A set of NSOperation subclasses for working with Core Data ManagedObjectContexts.
Interactive iOS 3D bar chart control made with GLKit.
FreeXL is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet.
FRLayeredNavigationController gives iPad developers a simple drop-in replacement for UINavigationController for great UIs. It is a view controller compositor which enables you to develop -- as we think -- great iPad apps. Influenced by the UI of the Twitter and Soundcloud iPad apps.
Parsing command-line arguments is hard, but it doesn't have to be! FSArgumentParser makes it much easier to parse command-line arguments by defining a declarative argument signature which some magic box code interprets. It handles the presence of missing arguments, detecting short and long names, and packaging it all up in a simple, easy to use object. So go write command-line tools like a boss, and keep being awesome!
HTTP requests are hard, but scheduling them doesn't have to be! FSURLOperation makes it much easier to dispatch NSURLRequests. By leveraging the existing capabilities of NSOperation, you can set dependencies, block until an operation (or set of operations) completes, and also control which thread the request is performed on. So go make concurrent URL operations like a boss, and keep being awesome!
Create image assets at runtime in any color when used as mask and/or at any resolution when it’s a PDF.
An Objective-C class for simple, synchronous ftp access.
The code in FTUtils is common utility code extracted from Free Time Studios iPhone projects. Currently, there is only one primary utility (FTAnimation) and some simple preprocessor macros. Some unit tests exist for the code, but more are needed.
FTWButton is a UIControl subclass that lets you easily set color, gradient, text, and icon properties for various states and animates between them.
A library providing functional operations for Objective C collections.
FXImageView is a class designed to simplify the application of common visual effects such as reflections and drop-shadows to images. FXImageView includes sophisticated queuing and caching logic to maximise performance when rendering these effects in real time.
As a bonus, FXImageView includes a standalone UIImage category for cropping, scaling and applying effects directly to an image.
FXKeychain is a lightweight wrapper around the Apple keychain APIs that provides a simple dictionary-like interface.
FXLabel improves upon the standard UILabel by providing a subclass that supports soft shadows, inner shadow and gradient fill, and which can easily be used in place of any standard UILabel.
GAJavaScript is a Cocoa Touch library that makes working with JavaScript easier from native code. It has a couple of important design goals: 1. Make working with JavaScript objects and functions more like working with Objective-C objects and methods. 2. Allow native applications on iOS devices to take advantage of JavaScript to support sharing code across platforms or making applications more dynamic. 3. Let native iOS developers take advantage of some of the great web technologies inside WebKit.
An API Client for Registering and Unregistering Devices with Urban Airship.
Objective C foundation tool command line interface library.
iBooks-style 3D flip transition animation rendered in OpenGL ES 2.0 and wrapped in a UIStoryboardSegue subclass.
GUI Cocoa iOS Common Code Library.
A discreet, non-modal, notification view for iOS.
GCNetworkReachability monitors the network state on iOS and OS X devices. Supports ARC, GCD, Blocks, IPv4/IPv6 and OS X/iOS.
Includes customized animation delay and duration, triggering the transition via notification and display of an activity indicator.
A subclass of UITextView that allow a placeholder.
GCTagList like iOS Mail app's sender or recivers tags.
The Google data APIs provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. Many Google services provide a Google data API.
GDataXML implements parts of NSXML so it's easy to parse XML or HTML with a DOM style API including XPath support. This fork of the original GDataXML adds support for the HTMLparser module of libxml2 and allows you to deal with non validating XML in a simple way.
Gen is a code generating framework for creating Objective-C and based on modelling classes, protocols, methods, properties, etc.. using Gen classes. The final result being converted into .m/.h files.
GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS).
Simple class for generating a gravatar from an email address.
A set of extensions and utilities for Mac OS X and iOS.
A markdown parser for iOS based on discount.
A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm; a sidebar navigation table that is revealed by sliding the main content panel to the right. The search goes full-screen and everything supports the standard orientations.
This project uses the Container View Controller methods introduced in iOS 5.0 so, it won't work on any version prior. This project uses ARC so, you'll need Mac OS 10.7+ (Lion) and Xcode 4.2.1+ to build it.
GHUnit is a test framework for Objective-C, Mac OS X 10.5 and above and iPhone 3.x and above. It can be used standalone or with other testing frameworks like SenTestingKit or GTM.
GHUnit is a test framework for Objective-C, Mac OS X 10.5 and above and iPhone 3.x and above. It can be used standalone or with other testing frameworks like SenTestingKit or GTM.
Ever wanted a custom crop area for the UIImagePickerController?Now you can have it with GKImagePicker. Just set your customcrop area and thats it. Just 4 lines of code. If you dontset it it uses the same crop area as the defaultUIImagePickerController.
GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library for opening a window, creating an OpenGL context and managing input. It is easy to integrate into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop.
GLFW is written in C and has native support for Windows, Mac OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD.
A performant Grid-View for iOS (iPhone/iPad) that allows sorting of views with gestures (the user can move the items with his finger to sort them) and pinching/rotating/panning gestures allow the user to play with the view and toggle from the cellview to a fullsize display.
GZip Compression / Decompression Category for NSData.
The Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C is a Cocoa framework that enables developers for Mac OS X and iOS to easily write native applications using Google's JSON-RPC APIs.
The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text.
With the Google Maps SDK for iOS, you can add maps based on Google maps data to your application.
Create a more engaging experience and connect with more users by integrating social into your app. Extend your app in new and creative ways using these Google+ platform features.
The Google Analytics SDK for iOS makes it easy for native iOS developers to collect user engagement data form their applications. Developers can then use the Google Analytics reports to measure:
* The number of active users are using their applications.
* From where in the world the application is being used.
* Adoption and usage of specific features.
* In-app purchases and transactions.
* And many other useful metrics...
Wrapper around GoogleMaps Direction API.
Unofficial wrapper to quickly launch Google Maps for iPhone from your app.
OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS.
Versioned fork of GPUImage. OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS.
Parse GPX & TCX files for iOS applications.
Simple access on iOS to your photos on Facebook, FlickR, Instagram, Picasa, and more.
GrannySmith is Hulu's Objective C open source project. The first tool provided in GrannySmith is GSFancyText. It allows you to format rich text in iOS in HTML/CSS fashion.
Flexible and production-ready Mustache templates for MacOS Cocoa and iOS.
Remote configuration for iOS.
GSAnimationBlockDelegate offers 3 different blocks : blockOnAnimationStarted when the animation starts blockOnAnimationSucceeded when the animation succeeds and blockOnAnimationFailed when the animation fails.
An iBooks-inspired bookshelf control.Supports animated deletion, reordering, and addition.
An iOS 6 UIActivity subclass implementing uploads to Dropbox – as used in
A controller for implementing radio buttons in Cocoa.
Google Toolbox for Mac - OAuth Controllers.
The Google Toolbox for Mac OAuth 2 Controllers make it easy for Cocoa applications to sign in to services using OAuth 2 for authentication and authorization.
The fetcher is implemented as a wrapper on NSURLConnection, so its behavior is asynchronous and uses operating-system settings on iOS and Mac OS X.
Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible).
The power of AVPlayer with the simplicity of MPMusicPlayerController.
NSUserDefaults access via properties.
GZip Compression / Decompression for NSData.
A bunch of iOS classes and extensions used for simulating gestures.
Notify users that a new version of your iOS app is available, and prompt them with the AppStore link.
Used to build a hash result from contributed objects or hashes (presumably
properties on your object which should be considered in the isEqual: override).
The intention is for the hash result to be returned from an override to the
- (NSUInteger)hash
HCYoutubeParser is a class which lets you get the iOS compatible video url from YouTube so you don't need to use a UIWebView or open the YouTube Application.
Customer service helpdesk for mobile applications.
Heyzap's iOS SDK: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Ads for games.
Objective-C library to format distances.
HHPanningTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell implementing "swipe to reveal" a drawer view. Such a view typically holds action buttons applying to the current row.
This behavior is seen in a number of iOS applications. To my knowledge the idea was pioneered by Loren Brichter for Tweetie (aka Twitter for iPhone).
The HHPanningTableViewCell implementation was written for the ACTPrinter 4.0 application. The code presented here is identical to the one used in the shipped product.
Unit conversion library for Objective-C.
HJCache is library for asynchronous download of images and other data over the net, and for sharing and caching them.
A simple discrete/continuous circular progress view with current/max properties, customizable appearance and animatable.
A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl mimicking the style of the segmented control used in Google Currents.
Hockey is a iOS Ad-Hoc updater framework. It can be used for all apps that target the Apple AppStore and improves the beta testing process dramatically. NOTES: You will need to add a dependency on JSONKit or SBJson yourself. If you want the framework to try again when a network is available, add a dependency on Reachability and send a notification with the name NetworkDidBecomeReachable
yourself when the network becomse reachable.
HockeyApp is a server to distribute beta apps, collect crash reports and communicate with your app users.It improves the testing process dramatically and can be used for both beta and App Store builds. Only beta builds will notify users about a new version. NOTE: If you want the framework to try again when a network is available, add a dependency on Reachability and send a notification with the name BITHockeyNetworkDidBecomeReachable
yourself when the network becomes reachable.
An UITextView which grows/shrinks with the text and starts scrolling when the content reaches a certain number of lines.
Hpple: A nice Objective-C wrapper on the XPathQuery library for parsing HTML. Inspired by why the lucky stiff's Hpricot.
HRCoder is a replacement for the NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver classes. Although the NSKeyedArchiver writes data in binary Plist format, the structure of the Plist makes it hard to read, and nearly impossible to generate by hand.
The HR stands for Human Readable. HRCoder saves files in a simpler format than NSKeyedArchiver; Standard objects such as strings, dictionaries, arrays, numbers, booleans and binary data are all saved and loaded using the standard plist primitives, and any other type of object is saved as a simple dictionary, with the addition of a $class key to indicate the object type.
HRCoder is designed to work with the AutoCoding library (, which can automatically write the initWithCoder: and encodeWithCoder: methods for your classes.
Prompts the user to update your app when a new version is available. Zero configuration, one line of code to use.
A subclass of UITextField that displays text completion suggestions while a user types. Perfect for suggestion email address domains.
A class that allows you to assign multiple delegates.
Apply a variety of easing functions from the AHEasing project to CAGradientLayers.
A state-aware cached component rasterization system (continuation of project HTStateAwareRasterImageView).
PROJECT RENAMED TO HTRasterView. A state-aware cached component rasterization system.
Simple HTTP Rest Library for iPhone and Cocoa projects.
An Objective-C library for working with the JSON variant of Hypertext Application Language (HAL).
ActiveRecord for iOS without CoreData. Only SQLite. For more details check Wiki on Github.
Yet Another simple in-app purchase interface.
iOS In-App Purchase Validation - improved and modular version of Apple's VerificationController.
A simple iPhone forms library.
A forms library for iOS.
A class designed to simplify the implementation of various types of carousel.
In-app console for viewing logs and typing debug commands in iPhone apps.
IdentityManager maintains multiple accounts on each oauth platform, bundled with facebook, twitter, linkedin support. But you can register as many OAuth 1.0a services as you can.
This project was inspired by the following projects:
AFOAuth1Client TWiOS5ReverseAuthExample RSOAuthEngine SwitchUserSample from FacebookSDK
iOS component for displaying a fullscreen image gallery Supports orientation changes.
IGAutoCompletionToolbar is a UICollectionView subclass created to display auto completion via a keyboard accessory view.
Provides convenient wrappers for popular message digest formats (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) and HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code).
Simple futures pattern in Objective-C.
Objective-C client of signature gem. Sign API call with shared secret and timestamp using SHA256 HMAC.
IGWebLogger allows you to view your iOS app logs over web browser in realtime.
The iHasApp iOS Framework allows you to detect installed apps on a user's device. Detection results can be in the form of an array of detected appIds, or an array of appDictionaries from the iTunes Search API.
Basic image cache. For caching image into memory or disk.
An asynchrounous IMAP client for iOS.
Very fast autocompletion UITableView based controller.
This iPhone framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to being in the Settings app.
Mac App Store style NSWindow subclass.
iOS color picker view controller which presents a hue bar and a saturation/brightness box to allow selection of any RGB color.
InfinitePagingView is a subclass of UIView. It contains an endlessly scrollable UIScrollView.on't worry about the indent, we strip it!
Inflections is a port of several of the ActiveSupport Inflector methods into Objective C.
Efficiently Singularize and Pluralize Strings.
Cocoa / Cocoa Touch Dependency Injection framework with features for simpler TDD.
[Deprecated] Keychain services wrapper for OS X and iOS.
Simplifies integration of testing frameworks with Xcode and SenTestingKit.
InMobi iOS SDK.
A set of classes, macros, components and constants that speed up development.
Library for displaying remotely administered notifications within a Mac or iPhone app. Similar to Apple's push notifications, but more lightweight and only displayed at app launch time. Perfect for cross-promoting apps or pointing out non-obvious features.
Messages style input toolbar for iOS.
This open source iOS library allows you to integrate Instagram into your iOS application include iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
x-callback-url made easy.
A repository of common, useful extensions to several default Apple classes.
Basic profanity filter library for iOS and Mac OS X apps.
iOS springboard (home screen) style view controller.
An HSL color-picker for the iPhone.
Reactive in-app purchase helper classes.
Simple HTTP request mocking/interception for testing module.
Core Animation framework for navigating data by flipping.
Auto-generated Google GTL library for accessing YouTube's new JSON API.
iOS Hierarchy Viewer allows developers to debug their user interfaces. If there are problems with layout calculations, it will catch them by giving a real time preview of the UIViews hierarchy.Features:- the client is implemented in HTML/JS/CSS. Additional software is not required.- preview of device/simulator screen. Can be scaled and/or rotated on demand.- debug frames shows the exact UIViews frames.- property list shows obj-c properties and their values for selected UIView.
This is an iOS framework for parsing/generating KML files.
A magnifying glass for iOS.
iOS QR encoder, generates an UIImage from NSString with one line of code. Uses libqrencode to encode a string into qr.
Utility functions to assist with iOS app reading by checking running processes and identifying whether apps implement a custom URL Scheme.
ios-queryable is an implementation of IQueryable/IEnumerable for Core Data,.
A wrapper for the iPhone's C-based AddressBook framework.
iPhoneMK is a loose collection of Objective-C classes for the iPhone SDK.
IPOfflineQueue is a persistent, serial task queue for iOS. It's especially ideal for queuing actions that require an internet connection that may be slow or absent.
This project aims to provide an open-source implementation of the month view in Apple's mobile calendar app (MobileCal). When the user taps a day on the calendar, any associated data for that day will be displayed in a table view directly below the calendar. As a client of the Kal component, you have 2 responsibilities:
Tell Kal which days need to be marked with a dot because they have associated data. Provide UITableViewCells which display the details (if any) for the currently selected day. In order to use Kal in your application, you will need to provide an implementation of the KalDataSource protocol to satisfy these responsibilities. Please see KalDataSource.h and the included demo app for more details.
The Keen iOS client is designed to be simple to develop with, yet incredibly flexible. Our goal is to let you decide what events are important to you, use your own vocabulary to describe them, and decide when you want to send them to Keen service.
Making Auto Layout easier to code.
This keychain wrapper was originally created by Apple and modified to be ARC compatible.
KFAppleScriptHandlerAdditions makes it easy to call subroutines (with arguments) of compiled AppleScript scripts. With these additions, applescripts can become easily accessed helper objects within a mostly cocoa app. Extra script compilation is also avoided.
Lightweight Core Data wrapper.
KGDiscreetAlertView is an easy drop in control that allows you to display a discreet alert in any view.
Cocoa noise drawing code + a ready to go noise view.
KGNoise forked from kgn/KGNoise to use the latest version 1.2.0 with UIImage support.
Similar to the status bar seen in the MailBox app, it covers the top status bar and appears like the message is embedded within.
An addition to AFNetworking to easily bring in Gravatar images.
KIF, which stands for Keep It Functional, is an iOS integration test framework. It allows for easy automation of iOS apps by leveraging the accessibility attributes that the OS makes available for those with visual disabilities.
This UIView Subclass is used to present Images loaded from the Web and is inspired from foursquare's Image Slideshow.
A drop-in MapKit/MKAnnotation pin clustering library for MKMapView on iOS.
This UITableViewController is used to combine a search result's UITableView with a MKMapView.
Library for KISSmetrics.
Keep NSUserDefaults simple, stupid. Access NSUserDefaults key using property, subclassing is not required.
A replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml.
A Behavior Driven Development library for iOS and OS X.
is a simple grid layout manager for views in an iOS application.
It can be used in a UIViewController subclass to arrange views, or can be used in the implementation of -[UIView layoutSubviews]
in a UIView subclass.
is a UIView subclass which uses a KJGridLayout
in its -layoutSubviews
implementation. It allows one to add a subview at a particular grid position, and the grid's layout will automatically be updated whenever the view is resized or when a new subview is added.
KJSimpleBinding makes it easy to use key-value coding (KVC) and key-value observing (KVO) for simple data-binding in iOS applications.
Gridview for iOS.
KKPasscodeLock is an iOS toolkit for adding a passcode view controller and passcode settings in ios apps.
Have a menu appear exposing beautiful and easy to access buttons to the user without removing them from where they want to be.
Scroll left and right on the section scroller to make a selection. Inspiration for this project came from 8tracks iPhone application.
A control that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack inspired by Evernote 5.0 app.
KNMultiItemSelector is a versatile drop in multiple items selector for iOS projects.
Replica of the semi-modal view with pushed-back stacked animation found in the beautiful Park Guides by National Geographic app.
KOKeyboard is an iOS drop-in component that adds a new row of keys to the default on-screen keyboard. It consists of swipe buttons with all common symbols, punctuation and brackets, and a special navigation key. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad.
A swipe button has 5 symbols on it. If you simply tap it, it will produce the middle symbol. However if you swipe it (tap-and-drag) towards one of the corners, it will produce the symbol in that corner. The navigation key (the middle one with a circle on it) allows you to navigate in the text by moving the cursor in a direction where you drag. If you drag the navigation key, the cursor will move the same way as you drag. If you double tap and drag it will start selecting text from your current position. To see the component in action, take a look at the video at or try our app called Kodiak PHP on the App Store.
With KOTabs you can easily create a tabbed document interface. The user can switch between tabs with a single tap. The tabs can be closed with the "x" icon in the corner. When there are more tabs than the screen can show, the whole bar can be scrolled to the side. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad.
To see the component in action, take a look at the video at or try our app called Kodiak PHP on the App Store.
KOTree allows you to show a tree of hierarchical data, e.g. files and folders. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad.
Krooshal keeps your app running like new.
A simple class for taking ADN posts and reformatting them to fit into Twitter's length restrictions, taking links into account.
Simple wrapper for sha1 hashing files/data.
Example project showing how to customize UIPopover with images.
Async library inspired by CommonJS Promises/A spec.
A simple Objective-C API controller for
An Instapaper API controller with the ability to queue URLs when the network is down.
A drop in subclass of NSTextField for programmatically created labels.
A better iOS & Mac reachability for a modern age.
KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer is a custom UIGestureRecognizer for doing one finger rotations in iOS apps. It tracks finger movement around a central point.
Bringing KVO into the modern world by using blocks.
A view controller that lets you enter 4 digit pass codes. It supports animations for invalid entries and to confirm entries.
Font picker UIPickerView and keyboard manager for iPhone.
Arcuated tab view controller with toggleing animation, 2 ~ 4 tabs are enabled. What's more, you can swipe left or right to toggle the views.
An open source iOS UI control that allows you to build a circular menu by laying out buttons in a circle pattern adjusting from the number of buttons (1~6).
This control is separated from iPokeMon (a PokéMon game on iOS with Location Based Service), you can take a look at the demo video how cool it is!
called Explode that will take the uiview and explode it into pieces.
The Extended Objective-C library extends the dynamism of the Objective-C programming language to support additional patterns present in other dynamic programming languages (including those that are not necessarily object-oriented).
libextobjc is meant to be very modular – most of its classes and modules can be used with no more than one or two dependencies.
A portable foreign-function interface library.
The libgit2 Library.
Replace libintl part of gettext runtime with NSBundle localizedString: for OSX/iOS.
a KML library written in C++.
iOS library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers from libphonenumber library. Visit for more information.
An Objective-C client for the service.
Sodium is a portable, cross-compilable, installable, packageable, API-compatible version of NaCl.
LibYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C.
Share to Naver Line from your apps.
Custom badge view.
Customize the on/off text, the color of the background, supports event delegation, all with ARC in-mind.
A library for simplifying and removing a lot of the cruft needed to drive a UITableView.
Localytics is built for mobile & tablet apps. Integration is easy, takes just 10 minutes and requires only a few lines of code. A quick integration allows you to track all standard metrics such as platform, device type, sessions and unique users. Event and screen tracking are used to analyze conversion funnels, screen flows, feature usage, content access, advertising performance, etc. Full support for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and HTML5 apps.
Localytics is designed to measure apps, providing the greatest accuracy and lightest footprint. Apps are different than websites, offering richer experiences and a deeper integration with the device. Apps function offline, survive intermittent network connectivity, support multitasking and access location services, storage, accelerometers, network details and more. Localytics collects and combines rich data to help you build more successful applications.
Localytics is built for mobile & tablet apps. Integration is easy, takes just 10 minutes and requires only a few lines of code. A quick integration allows you to track all standard metrics such as platform, device type, sessions and unique users. Event and screen tracking are used to analyze conversion funnels, screen flows, feature usage, content access, advertising performance, etc. Full support for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and HTML5 apps.
Localytics is designed to measure apps, providing the greatest accuracy and lightest footprint. Apps are different than websites, offering richer experiences and a deeper integration with the device. Apps function offline, survive intermittent network connectivity, support multitasking and access location services, storage, accelerometers, network details and more. Localytics collects and combines rich data to help you build more successful applications.
Lockbox is an Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the keychain. Use it to store small, sensitive bits of data securely.
LOG_EXPR(x) is a macro that prints out x, no matter what type x is, without having to worry about format-strings. It works on Mac OS X and iOS. LOG_EXPR(x) is the work of Vincent Gable.
Objective-C simple image manager with memory and disk cache support.
A mock object library for Objective C, inspired by JMock 2.0.
OAuth2 client for iPhone and iPad apps.
Resty is a simple to use HTTP library for Cocoa and iOS apps, aimed at consuming RESTful web services and APIs.
A JTable-inspired alternative way of modelling your table view data.
Objective-C wrapper for TheTVDB.
Tools to help with localising an iOS app. Currently this is a header file (L.h) with some convenience macros, and a script (L.rb) to check whether all your keys are included in your strings files.
LeT'sUpdate to the new version available in the AppStore.
The lua language (for embedding).
A wrapper for iOS Keychain Services that behaves just like NSUserDefaults.
A small, efficient and flexible implementation for common paging scroll view patterns.
Extends UICollectionViewFlowLayout to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook.
MABlockClosure uses libffi to generate function pointers wrapping Objective-C blocks.
Bundle of categories and classes to make some common Cocoa tasks easier: support folder management, table view resizing, string search, and some other tasks.
Load images from a URL into a local cache before displaying them and show a fancy loading indicator in the meantime.
MACalendarUI is a project which offers calendar user interface for iPhone applications.
Circular Progress Indicator for iOS.
MapKit for Mac is a framework for displaying maps in a Cocoa application that is API-compatible with Apple's MapKit framework for iOS.
Smalltalk-inspired methods and macros on Cocoa collection classes, taking advantage of blocks.
MAConfirmButton is an animated subclass of UIButton that replicates and improves upon the behavior of the AppStore “Buy Now” buttons. Built and animated with Core Animation layers, it is completely image free.
Handy fetching, threading and data import helpers to make Core Data a little easier to use.
An Objective-C port of Kicksend's Mailcheck. Suggest corrections for misspelled email addresses.
The Mailgun SDK allows your Mac OS X or iOS application to connect with the programmable email platform.
Key-Value Observing Done Right.
MAMirroredQueue is a ring buffer implementation that uses virtual memory tricks to achieve fast operation, avoid copying data, and thread safety without using locks.
Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
MAObjCRuntime is an ObjC wrapper around the Objective-C runtime APIs. If that's confusing, it provides a nice object-oriented interface around (some of) the C functions in /usr/include/objc.
Open source alternative to MapKit supporting custom tile sources, offline use, and complete cache control.
A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when needed.
Custom implementation of Preferences window in Cocoa applications for Mac OS X.
Some time ago Cocoa developers used a brilliant framework ShortcutRecorder for managing keyboard shortcuts in application preferences. However, it became incompatible with a new plugin architecture of Xcode 4.
The project MASShortcut introduces modern API and user interface for recording, storing and using global keyboard shortcuts. All code is compatible with Xcode 4.3, Mac OS X 10.7 and the sandboxed environment.
This is a simple open source project to make interfacing with social APIs easier.
Zeroing weak references for retain/release Objective-C.
MBAlertView is a fun and simple block-based alert and HUD library for iOS, as seen in Notestand.
A simple little helper library that adds methods to UIColor for getting colors from hex strings.
MBCommon is a lightweight, generic Cocoa library for iOS and OS X.
MBProgressHUD is an iOS drop-in class that displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some additional features.
MBPullDownController accepts two view controllers, which it presents one above the other. The front view controller is configured to accept a pull interaction which it utilizes to show or hide back view controller.
MBRequest is a simple, blocks-based networking library for iOS and OS X built on top of NSURLConnection and NSOperation.
Output HTTP requests made with AFNetworking in the debug console.
MCSMKeychainItem allows you to create, fetch and remove Keychain Items from the Keychain on iOS and OS X using the same simple Objective-C API.
Mailbox app style UITableViewCell.
An Objective-C NSString category for MD5 hex digests.
Automatically populated about view controller for iOS apps.
Apply a "tutorial screen" overlay to your application window.
Create a parallax effect using a custom container view, much like the top view of Path's timeline.
Like Path's timestamp scrollbar label.
Add a "shine" effect to any view.
MDRadialProgress is a custom UIView to display progress in discrete steps.
UIActionSheet subclass with a simpler API using blocks and target/action invocations.
UIAlertView subclass with a simpler API using blocks and target/action invocations.
Objective-C client for the Mendeley Open API.
This is a wrapper for the C MessagePack parser, building the bridge to Objective-C. In a similar way to the JSON framework, this parses MessagePack into NSDictionaries, NSArrays, NSNumbers, NSStrings, and NSNulls. This contains a small patch to the C library so that it doesn't segfault with a byte alignment error when running on the iPhone in armv7 mode. Please note that the parser has been extensively tested, however the packer has not been. Please get in touch if it has issues.
A messages UI for iPhone and iPad.
A lightweight iOS cache class.
A UIViewController category implementing a modal "fade back" animation similar to the iOS Gmail app's compose functionality.
Software License Generation and Validation Library.
8-bit to 1024-bit precision arithmetic with overflow/underflow tracking.
Facebook-like side menu for iOS.
This library provides an easy way to measure execution time in code.
A UITableView replacement with simplified API. Designed for rapid table creation with minimal code, easy customisation, attractive default styling, and with most common design patterns automated without need for fidgety UIView tweaking.
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more.
This library provides a lightweight way for executing commands sequentially or concurrently.
This library allows to configure commands (MGCommand lib) via config files.
A framework to speedup development when you can't (or don't want to) use Interface Builder.
Useful UIImage categories for iPhone/iPad developers.
Drop in UIViewController subclass providing PIN entry.
A flexible, advanced split-view controller for iPad developers.
MGTileMenu is an iOS GUI component, providing a pop-up tile-based contextual menu. It's designed for iOS 5, and uses ARC. It supports Retina and non-Retina devices, and works with VoiceOver. MGTileMenu is designed for use on iPad, but it will also work on iPhone and iPod touch.
Lots of cool iOS classes globbed together in one (soon-to-be) mega repository. Initial version.
An iOS framework that provides a simple mechanism to get "Pretty Dates" ("Yesterday", "Today", etc.) from NSDate objects.
This is a custom container view controller for iOS 5 that works just like a regular UITabBarController, except the tabs are at the top and look different.
UIView subclass which draws a color gradient as background.
MIHSliderView is a OS X drop-in class that displays a couple of slides each after another like you may know from most of the sliders for JavaScript.The slider is able to use any subclass of NSView as a slide and transitionsare customizable with the properties of the MIHSliderView class.
mixi SDK for iOS.
iPhone tracking library for Mixpanel Analytics.
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
Super easy serialization/deserialiation classes for JSON/XML and Parse.
Demo of MKHorizMenu a simple, drop-in replacement for the Three20 fame horizontal menus used in news apps.
Sync your NSUserDefaults to iCloud automatically.
Non-modal, non-intrusive Info Panel implementation as seen on some "popular" apps.
A MKMapView category that adds a method to obtain the AttributionView.
This pod provides a MKMapView category for setting the zoom level in a mapView.
ARC ready Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 5+ devices.
An NSOperationQueue subclass automatically responding to changes in internet connection with thanks to Apple's Reachability.
In-App Purchases StoreKit for iOS devices.
UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu.
UIView subclass that draws a spotlight effect.
Get a screenshot from UIView easy as pie.
Additions for UIColor for easy handling with hex- and rgb-colors.
A 'high score'-style counting view that animates between different displayed integers.
An Objective-C static library for converting Markdown to HTML.
A simple block based web service integration library.
A utility belt of color related add-ons for UIKit.
MNMBottomPullToRefresh is a solution to add pull-to-refresh feature to the bottom of an UITableView instead of the top, as usual.
Solution to add pull-to-refresh feature at the top of an UITableView.
RadioGroup control for iOS.
MNStaticTableViewController is a UITableViewController optimized for creating a tableview with static sections.
A library that allows developers to globally mock any ObjectiveC class' initialization method when testing with Kiwi.
The Moodstocks SDK provides a scanner for mobile devices. It recognizes both barcodes and images. Scanning operates on the client-side which lets you create nice augmented reality overlays. Also it even works off-line thanks to a built-in, easy-to-use on-device image signatures synchronization.
MOOMaskedIconView is a UIView subclass that uses black-and-white masks to draw icons of different styles at any size or resolution. It's like Photoshop layer styles, using the same technique as UITabBar to generate various effects from a single icon mask. MOOMaskedIconView displays common image formats and PDFs.
MoPubSDK to add banners, custom sizes and interstitials to iOS apps.
MosaicUI is a tiled UI for iOS that automatic layouts according to the elements' sizes.
A collection of tool for handling colors on iOS SDK.
A custom container view controller following the iOS 5 containment API that navigates between child view controllers via touch gestures and page-flip animations.
Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers.
An in-app notification view that mimics the iOS 6 notification views which appear above the status bar.
Implementation of common Ruby Enumerable module methods as a category in Objective-C.
A subtle gradient button, derived from NSView.
Helper class that allows you to draw views (a)synchronously to a UIImage with caching for great performance.
UICollectionViewLayout for displaying chronological data. Similar to the "Week" view in the Apple Calendar app.
A piece of code that will automatically format a UITextField with a numberpad to behave like an ATM.
Custom label that allows you to specify line height and text anchoring.
A component to organize your view controllers in a gesture-based a 2D matrix.
Draggable navigation pane view controller for iPhone. Similar to the Path/Facebook navigation paradigm.
Subclass of UINavigationController to add 'swipe right to go back' gesture recognizer like most apps (Facebook, Tweetbot) already do.
Simple and easy tool to discover View Controllers that are not being deallocated when you expect them to.
MTAnimatedLabel is a UILabel subclass that supports animated text similar to the iPhone/iPad lock screen.
An iOS Alert View that uses block-based delegation instead of protocols.
A table view that uses blocks instead of protocols. Try it, we dare you.
A set of handy add-ons to Cocoa's basic collection classes. Supports NSSet and NSArray, as well as their mutable subclasses. Provides map, intersect and subtract operations.
A category on UIColor. Pass in an array of colors and it will return the closest color to the receiver.
Attach block handlers to UIControl objects jQuery style.
A picker for choosing date components. Allows some components to be undefined.
A category on NSDate. 100+ date calculation methods.
A UIScrollView subclass that resizes itself to fit around its content.
An extension to Core Graphics Geometry. Intersections, scaling, etc.
An NSDictionary category for when you're working with it converting to/from JSON. DEPRECATED, use MTJSONUtils instead.
For when you're working with converting to/from JSON. Includes valueForComplexKeyPath:
(e.g. [dict valueForComplexKeyPath:@"parents[0].children[first].toys[last].title"]).
By default, UIKit's UILabel provides many limitations, such as unable to customize line height attribute. This is a simple sublass of UIView which uses CoreText framework to draw text. It's still a work in progress so use it at your own risk.
These classes aim to mimic some of the functions of the built-in Google Maps App on iOS for you. Currently the library contains a simple Location Manager-Singleton that sends out notifications when CLLocationManager-Delegate-Methods are called and a UIBarButtonItem/UIButton that acts as a Locate-Me Button that behaves similar to the one in the Google Maps App. The switch from one mode to another is animated, just like in the Google Maps App. It can also be customized to support Heading-Updates or not, by setting property headingEnabled.
Manages blocks of code that only need to run once on version updates in iOS apps.
A container view controller that allows the selection of child views based on a UISegmentedControl in the navigation bar. The navigation bar inherits left,right and back button items from the currently selected child UIViewController, and titles for the segmented control are taken from the child view controllers' UINavigationItem title properties. The upshot of all of this is that your child view controllers don't require any modification to be used with this container.
Objective-C PDF objects. Doing my part to help us stay out of the headache that is Core Foundation.
Library for animated line drawing (like an invisible pencil).
Simple and powerful. Convenient and informative. JSON and XML to collection object conversion. Comprehensive request and response objects.
Add blocks to queues in a super terse and readable way.
A small category on NSObject
that adds support for recursive lookup using valueForKey:
MTStackableNavigationController aims to be an API-compatible replacement for UINavigationController, with special sauce for Facebook / Path style stacked navigation. In contrast to most of the other view controller projects based on this paradigm, MTStackableNavigationController is targeted exclusively for use as a direct replacement for UINavigationController; layered navigation and deck style interaction are already done well by other controllers.
A container view controller which provides Facebook / Path style navigation.
This class provides a custom iOS (iPhone + iPad) status bar overlay window known from Apps like Reeder, Google Mobile App or Evernote. It currently supports touch-handling, queuing of messages, delegation as well as three different animation modes.
Makes it way easier to generate attribute dictionaries needed for NSAttributedString (on iOS).
This class provides a simple way to zoom a specific UIView and display it fullscreen, upon a defined action of the user (uses UIGestureRecognizer to detect actions). If the user performs the action on the specified UIView the view gets zoomed in animated and is displayed fullscreen, with a black background. If the user performs the same gesture again, the UIView gets zoomed back out and everything is like it was before.
MulticastDelegate extracted from XMPPFramework.
Objective-C delegate multiplexing.
An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS.
MWFSlideNavigationViewController is a container view controller that manages primary and secondary view controller.
Extension to UITableViewController in attempt to provide additional features that are reusable in most scenarios.
A simple iOS photo browser.
Objective-C utility code for Cocoa programming on Mac OS X.
NanoStore is an open source, lightweight schema-less local key-value document store written in Objective-C for Mac OS X and iOS.
A UIActivity subclass for SoundCloud sharing.
NCChineseConverter is an Objective-C based chinese coverter for converting between Hans and Hant.
This is a glue library.
I didn't expose all the properties of log and crash libraries. You can modify them in file NCCWL.m
to fit your need.
A simple and easy-to-use music engine support playing-while-downloading feature.
Another non-official Sina Weibo SDK in Objective-C.
NetworkKit is a super simple and easy to install class for creating asynchronous requests to various websites.
Real-time performance data with your next iOS app release.
A custom TabBarController which can be positioned on the bottom, top, left or top. Utilizes iOS 5 Containment API if possible, but works on iOS 4 too. The TabBar is fully customizable with a tintColor or background image as well as the possibility to show/hide the item highlight and the possibility to change the text colors, have image-only tabBar items etc.
A GridView which allows to set individual Rects for the Cells.
Objective-C class for getting network interfaces address information instantly. Mainly for iOS. (maybe works on Mac OS X?) Just use when you need to know NIC's ip, netmask, or broadcast ip. Refer Wiki page for usage.
Nimbus is an iOS framework whose feature set grows only as fast as its documentation. By focusing on documentation first and features second, Nimbus hopes to be a framework that accelerates the development process of any application by being easy to use and simple to understand.
Library that wraps Core Data for iOS for easier and more readable operations.
A collection of categories and classes to simplify iOS development.
NLTHTTPStubServer is mocking server. launch simple HTTPServer on Testcodes.
like Haskell QuickCheck. QuickCheck is random test library.
NMPaginator is a simple Objective-C class that handles pagination for you.
A custom range slider for iOS.
Stunning HTTP stubbing for iOS. Testing HTTP requests has never been easier.
This is a random collection of classes and categories that I am making public. Most of this code has been posted on noodlesoft blog:
What part of "{\n foo : bar,\n someArray: (\n foo,\n bar\n )\n}" don't you understand?
Apple has documented that NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, and friends should honor the descriptionWithLocale:indent: method should it be present in an object, printing that object without newline-escaping it or anything. Well, ever since Snow Leopard, it doesn't for "security reasons." This is a quick swizzle (or category-based replacement, depending on your preference) which adds it back. Because your objects are beautiful (so are you) and they deserve the limelight, too!
Base64 for NSData.
Add MD5 digest to NSData.
This is a category for the NSDate class that provides some convenience methods for working with NSDate objects and displaying formatted and relative strings.
Practical real-world dates.
Returns a string with the elapsed time from the current time.
Set of usefull categories for NSDate.
Convert NSDictionary keys to/from under_score/camelCase. Useful when working with JSON APIs, etc.
An NSEnumerator LINQ category.
NSHash adds hashing methods to NSString and NSData.
Seriously: it's just y=mx+b. So why does the average NSLayoutConstraint take 200-odd characters to initialise?
Adds two new methods: * +[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithFormula:LHS:RHS:] * -[UIView constrain:to:]
Make auto layout as simple as a sentence.
NSLogger is a high perfomance logging utility which displays traces emitted by client applications running on Mac OS X or iOS (iPhone OS). It replaces your usual NSLog()-based traces and provides powerful additions like display filtering, image and binary logging, traces buffering, timing information, etc.
This is a bridge for the projects (A general purpose super-fast logging framework) and (send logs to a client app via network).
NSMutableArray extensions.
Very easy to use NSCoding replacement for Mac and iOS Projects.
iOS/Mac OS framework for Rails.
A delightful remote NSLogging library.
Adds URL encoding helpers to NSString.
Validates:- Polish PESEL number (Personal Number)- Polish NIP number- Polish REGON number- Email address using regular expression- Credit Card numbers - Luhn numbers- Bank Account numbers.
Decode and encode HTML character entities.
NSString category providing common Ruby String methods.
A category on NSString to turn codes from Emoji Cheat Sheet ( into Unicode emoji characters.
NSUnit is a unit testing framework, providing a more Objective-C friendly API, particularly for testing against Foundation classes.
NSURLConnection using blocks for success and failure calls.
Record and replay NSURLConnection requests/responses in tests.
NSUUID implementation for iOS < 6.0 and OS X < 10.8.
Draw the standard linen background on any NSView.
A collection of useful extensions for standard Cocoa classes.
NUI is a drop-in UI kit for iOS that lets you style UI elements using a style sheet, similar to CSS. It lets you style an entire app in minutes.
NullSafe is a simple category on NSNull that returns nil for any unrecognised messages instead of throwing an exception.
A slide menu done right for iOS.
# NVUIGradientButton
A beautiful customizable iOS button with gradient.
to your projectNVUIGradientButton
or instanciate one using [NVUIGradientButton initWithFrame:frame style:style];
For more examples, have a look at the NVUIGradientButtonSample
Copyright (c) 2012 Nicolas VERINAUD. Released under the MIT license.
Provides ready to use UIActivity implementations with login UI for popular webservices. Currently it supports Instapaper and Pocket.
Client library for OAuth2 (currently built against draft 10 of the OAuth2 spec).
A simple NoSQL database(key-document).
A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
Simple function to sign OAuth requests.
Objective-C GeoHash Library.
A simple iOS compatible bindings mechanism for Objective-C.
NSNotification wrapper that keeps track of state and notifies new observers of state immediately.
This is a collection of useful classes and extensions for common classes in CoreFoundation and UIKit.
OCHamcrest is: * a library of "matcher" objects that let you declare rules for whether a given object matches the criteria or not; * a framework for writing your own matchers. Matchers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as UI validation. But they're most commonly used for writing unit tests that are expressive and flexible.
OCHamcrest is used for both iOS or OS X development, and is compatible with: * OCUnit (SenTestingKit) * Kiwi * Cedar * GHUnit * Google Toolbox for Mac (GTM) * OCMock * OCMockito
A logging framework for Objective-C projects.
OpenClusterMapView is a simple and easy to use extension of MKMapView for iOS. If you have trouble to display a lot of annotations on the map, this class is for you.OCMapView automatically creates cluster by combinig annotation super fast.It is written in Objective-C + C and works for all iOS applications.
This implementation fully utilises the dynamic nature of Objective-C. It creates mock objects on the fly and uses the trampoline pattern so that you can define expectations and stubs using the same syntax that you use to call methods. No strings, no @selector, just method invocations.
OCMockito is an Objective-C implementation of Mockito, supporting creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects.
Key differences from other mocking frameworks:
OCTotallyLazy is a framework that adds functional behaviour to Objective C collection objects, as well as a lazy collection object called Sequence. It's a partial port of Java's TotallyLazy.
What is the Open Device Identification Number?
The Open Device Identification Number (ODIN) is a number designed for mobile app developers and service providers to uniquely identify their users’ devices in a convenient and interoperable manner. Unlike existing device identification schemes, ODIN is:
Maintenance of ODIN is administered by an ODIN Working Group ( comprised of industry developers and service providers.
ODRefreshControl is a "pull down to refresh" control for UIScrollView,like the one Apple introduced in iOS6, but available to anyone from iOS4 and up.
Models for REST web services using AFNetworking.
OGImage provides a simple abstraction for loading images from the network, processing them, and caching them locally.
This class allows you to use a UILabel
with NSAttributedStrings
, in order to display styled text with mixed style (mixed fonts, color, size, ...) in a unique label.
It also provides a NSAttributedString
category with a lot of commodity methods to change its various style & fonts, and some easy to use parsers to build your complex NSAttributedStrings
(containing various/mixed styles) very easily.
A class to stub network requests easily: * Test your apps with fake network data (stubbed from file) * Use customized stubs depending on the requests * Use custom response time to simulate slow network.
WARNING: This lib uses private API and is not suitable for AppStore releases. Use it only for your Unit Test targets or while in development (for example between
#ifdef DEBUG
). Don't forget to remove it before submitting to the AppStore.OLGhostAlertView
Temporary and unobtrusive translucent alert view for iPhone and iPad.
Animated GIFs implemented the right way.
An amazing kit with a bunch of cool functions written for Cocoa.
OMGFramework is a set of convenience classes and tools that are commonly used when developing iOS applications.
Ooyala for iOS.
OpenCV: open source computer vision library
Homepage: Online docs: Q&A forum: Dev zone:
Compilled framework for iOS v2.4.3.2.
The easiest way to have your iOS app open links in Chrome.
The OpenTok iOS SDK lets you use OpenTok video sessions in apps you build for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices.
Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS.
Push Notification Registration for iOS.
An Obj-C API for Searching and Downloading Subtitles from OpenSubtitles.
A simple, Cocoa-like set of Objective-C classes useful for programmers writing Objective-C Cocoa apps that must communicate with external devices through a serial port (most commonly RS-232).
Objective-C utilities and shorthands.
Overline with BlocksKit.
Lightweight tab bar controller geared for maximum customizability.
Fictorial's fork adds extra delegate methods; also see homepage for example which uses UIPageControl.
Location-based Augmented Reality Framework for point of interest visualization.
A Passcode View Controller for iOS similar to the one in
PaperFold is a simple iOS control that allows hiding of views on the left and right side of the screen by dragging the middle view.
PaperFoldMenuController is a UITabBarController replacement, but displays the view controllers in a table view on the left side of the screen. This table view is shown/hidden using PaperFold-for-iOS.
Objective-C Parser Combinators.
To integrate after adding this pod, continue with step 9 in the QuickStart: (
ParseKit is a Mac OS X Framework written by Todd Ditchendorf in Objective-C 2.0 and released under the Apache Open Source License Version 2.0. ParseKit is suitable for use on Mac OS X Leopard, Snow Leopard or iOS. ParseKit is an Objective-C implementation of the tools described in Building Parsers with Java by Steven John Metsker.
ParseKit includes additional features beyond the designs from the book and also some changes to match common Cocoa/Objective-C conventions. These changes are relatively superficial, however, and Metsker’s book is the best documentation available for ParseKit.
PassSlot is a free service for developers that aims to make Passbook integration easy – Really easy.
It combines a Cloud Service that distributes, manages and signs your passes with a powerful Objective-C framework for iOS that reduces the amount of code you need to write to get Passbook integration done.
The PayPal iOS SDK provides a software library that makes it easy for an iOS developer to accept both credit cards and PayPal directly within their mobile app.
PBYouTubeVideoViewController shows the YouTube iframe HTML 5 video player in a UIWebView. PBYouTubeVideoViewController send the player events to a delegate and declares player methods in Objective-C providing an easy way to show a YouTube video in your iOS app.
PDKeychainBindingsController is intended to make using the Max OSX and iOS Keychains as easy as NSUserDefaults.
PDTiledView has much the same delegation semantics as UITableView, but with block-based delegation instaed of protocols.
A bunch of little helper classes to make life easier.
PeerTalk is a iOS and OS X Cocoa library for communicating over USB and TCP.
Pegged generates Objective-C parsers from PEG grammars. The parsers it generates are re-entrant, thread-safe, and do not leak memory: they are suitable for inclusion in other programs.
Pegged reads the grammar specified in file and will create a class of the same name. A .h and a .m file will then be created in the output directory, which may be specified from the command line and defaults to the directory containing the PEG grammar. The parser class adheres to a simple interface:
@protocol ParserDataSource;
typedef NSObject<ParserDataSource> ParserDataSource;
@interface Parser : NSObject
@property (retain) ParserDataSource *dataSource;
- (BOOL) parse;
- (BOOL) parseString:(NSString *)string;
@protocol ParserDataSource
- (NSString *) nextString;
The data to be parsed may either be provided via a data source (which responds to a single selector, -nextString) or via the -parseString: selector.
Complete ATOM parser for iOS.
This little class is intended to be used with UITableView and other collection like views. It's purpose is to facilitate the smooth update of displayed data. It does that by telling you what is gone, what moved, and what is new in the data. These can then be directly translated to table view methods that insert, move, and delete rows or sections.
This NSProxy subclass allows you to chain delegate methods easily. Create an instance of PHFDelegateChain, tell it which objects it should forward to and set it as the delegate of an object. Whenever a method is called on the chain, it will forward it to the registered objects.
PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia communication library written in C language implementing standard based protocols such as SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE. It combines signaling protocol (SIP) with rich multimedia framework and NAT traversal functionality into high level API that is portable and suitable for almost any type of systems ranging from desktops, embedded systems, to mobile handsets.
PJSIP is both compact and feature rich. It supports audio, video, presence, and instant messaging, and has extensive documentation. PJSIP is very portable. On mobile devices, it abstracts system dependent features and in many cases is able to utilize the native multimedia capabilities of the device.
PJSIP has been developed by a small team working exclusively for the project since 2005, with participation of hundreds of developers from around the world, and is routinely tested at SIP Interoperability Event (SIPit ) since 2007.
PKRevealController is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another. It is easy to set-up and highly flexible. The PKRevealController is the evolution of the ZUUIRevealController but not API compatible with any previous versions. The entire controller was rewritten from the ground up and major changes were inevitable. If you wish to access the older versions, please download one of the tags or checkout the deprecated branch.
PlayHaven is a real-time mobile game marketing platform to help you take control of the business of your games. Acquire, retain, re-engage, and monetize your players with the help of PlayHaven's powerful marketing platform. Integrate once and embrace the flexibility of the web as you build, schedule, deploy, and analyze your in-game promotions and monetization in real-time through PlayHaven's easy-to-use, web-based dashboard. An API token and secret is required to use this SDK. These tokens uniquely identify your app to PlayHaven and prevent others from making requests to the API on your behalf. To get a token and secret, please visit the PlayHaven developer dashboard at
Compatibility stubs to enable use of weak references with ARC on older OSes.
Yet another calendar component for iOS. Supports presenting as a popover and very flexible UI tuning.
Yet another attempt at making KVO safer and more convenient.
The missing implementation of NSUserDefaultsController for iOS.
The Pocket SDK is the fastest way to add Pocket integration to any iOS or Mac application. Adding the Pocket SDK to your app is incredibly easy. With a few lines of code, your app can quickly add support for saving URLs to users' Pocket lists.
Pocket Change SDK for universal in-app rewards.
PodioKit is an iOS client library for the Podio API.
PonyDebugger is a remote debugging toolset. It is a client library and gateway server combination that uses Chrome Developer Tools on your browser to debug your application's network traffic and managed object contexts.
A simple UIView popover control for iPhone/iPad written in CoreGraphics.
An Objective-C expectation framework based on the 'should' terminology.
A Mac OSX / iOS API wrapper for the PostageApp transactional mail service.
ObjectiveC library for Posterous API.
A small library for semantic layout of UIViews.
This is a new controller container, showing views on the side like the Facebook or Path app. It is as easy to use as a navigation controller. Sometimes, you need to push a new controller to show some options, but you don't need a full screen view… PPRevealSideViewController is THE controller you need.
Pan and Tap gestures are also included!
PrettyKit for iOS is a small set of new widgets and UIKit subclasses that gives you a deeper UIKit customization. You will be able to change their background color, add gradients, shadows, etc.
PROJ.4 is in active use by GRASS GIS, MapServer, PostGIS, Thuban, OGDI, Mapnik, TopoCad, and OGRCoordinateTransformation as well as various other projects.
Since work started on the PROJ.4.4.x series of releases, various bug fixes have been incorporated, and the build system has been overhauled to use autoconf/libtool. Support has also been added for 3 and 7 parameter datum shifts, the PJ structure now also carries datum information and PJ can be considered a full coordinate system (geographic coordinate systems are also now supported with the +proj=latlong pseudo-projection). The new cs2cs program performs a similar function to the proj program, but transforming from any one coordinate system to another. The new pj_transform() is used to access the extended coordinate system to coordinate system transformation with datum shifting. Work is underway to improve ThreadSafety.
A mapping file (epsg) has also been introduced mapping most EPSG ( coordinate systems to PROJ.4 format.
As of May 2008 PROJ.4 has become part of the MetaCRS project, a confederation of coordinate systems related projects and it is hoped MetaCRS will enter incubation as an OSGeo project.
An implementation of Protocol Buffers in Objective C.
While Apple has done an incredible job with UIView Animations and Core Animation, there are sometimes cases that are difficult to get around. PRTween is a great alternative if you'd like to: Animate a property Core Animation won't allow you to Ensure that [someView layoutSubviews] is respected during an animation Tween arbitrary numerical values, such as sound volume, scroll position, a counter, or many others Define your timing curve as a function rather than a bezier with control points PRTween aims to be as simple as possible without sacrificing flexibility. In many cases, an animation may be as simple as: [PRTween tween:someView property:@"alpha" from:1 to:0 duration:3]; In order to promote simplicity, PRTween can be used as a drop-in replacement for most animations in your app. This means that in the case displayed above, the end result is identical to writing a UIView animation yourself.
Modern block-based wrappers for UIAlertView and UIActionSheet.
A simple open source implementation of a Pinterest Pinboard for iOS.
A block based UIMenuItem subclass.
Zoom, Rotate, Drag ? everything at the same time. A view-container for direct manipulation, inspired by Our Choice from Push Pop Press.
Open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked UI - done right.
UIButton that is styled like iPhone's AppStore-Button.
Open Source, 100% API compatible replacement of UICollectionView for iOS4+.
PSUpdateApp is a simple method to notify users that a new version of your iOS app is available.
"Image Album" — or "Photo Album" if you like that better — View( Controller) for all crazy iOS developers out there...
PubNub makes Real-time Real Easy with a Simple Communications API.
A simple iPhone TableViewController for adding pull-to-refresh functionality.
A UIView for easily implementing pull-to-refresh functionality in a UIScrollView that doesn't suck.
PunchScrollView is a iOS ScrollView framework which works like the UITableView.
A similar control to load more control.
Source Lists are used in a lot of Mac OS X applications, but the support for such controls is quite primitive – at best you create an Outline View with Source List highlighting, but none of the features such as badging are built in by default. PXSourceList is a reusable control – within the context of Source Lists – which makes creating applications with Source Lists a much easier process.
A clone of the UIImagePickerController with multiple selection feature.
It's basically an UIView object that tries to mimic the behavior of the floating control used by The control appears at the bottom right corner of the screen and it unfolds a menu whenever it's touched.
A popup menu for iOS without using image files.
Path 2.0 menu (configurable, extendable, and composable).
Quantcast Measure available for iOS and Android mobile apps. The free service lets you to:
* **Showcase Your App Stats** - Get the word out on your mobile app by showcasing your traffic on Quantcast – make your most accomplished metrics accessible to everyone.
Quantcast Measure available for iOS and Android mobile apps. The free service lets you to:
* **Showcase Your App Stats** - Get the word out on your mobile app by showcasing your traffic on Quantcast – make your most accomplished metrics accessible to everyone.
Easy to use iOS class to manage location system, very useful.
This is allows you to tracking user location, monitoring regions and obtain the user location.
RCPopoverView is a drop-in cocoa class used to display a generic or custom UIView that slides horizontally. The view is easily dismissed by the user by swiping to the right.
Class to make a easily customisable Action Sheet for iOS.
ARC and GCD Compatible Reachability Class for iOS and OS X. Drop in replacement for Apple Reachability.
ReactiveCocoa offers: 1. The ability to compose operations on future data. 2. An approach to minimizing state and mutability. 3. A declarative way to define behaviors and the relationships between properties. 4. A unified, high-level interface for asynchronous operations. 5. A lovely API on top of KVO.
Open source alternative to UIActivityViewController, highly customizable and compatible with iOS 5.0.
Rebel is a framework to make AppKit easier to work with.
Replicates functionality of SLComposeViewController introduced in iOS 6.0. You can create composers for any social network out there. REComposeViewController doesn't provide logic for sharing, only its visual part.
A custom curtain-style transition for UIViewControllers.
Advanced remote Xcode logging in Terminal app.
UITextField subclass that allows number input in a predefined format.
Lightweight Objective-C Regular Expressions using the ICU Library.
CSS-like image sprites for iOS apps.
A collection of NSObject extensions that brings out Blocks latent ability.
REMarkerClusterer creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers.
Dropdown menu inspired by Vine.
Objective-c library for loading a remote JSON / XML config file with locally defined default values.
A simple photo thumbnail viewer for the iOS that groups photos by date.
RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X.
RESTmagic is a framework for that framework you already deployed, your RESTFUL api. Light or no configuration will tell the framework how your resources are organized, and where to get the appropriate templates. Before it joins those together with your choice of mustache flavored templating, it will check if you have a native view instead to present. The whole framework is built to be easily customized with as much or as little magic as your want.
Open source alternative to UISwitch, customizable via UIAppearance protocol.
Audio trim control, similar to the one seen in default iPhone Voice Memos app.
REVClusterMap API is a simple implementation of clustering for the iOS platform. An extra layer of functionalities that enables clustering built on top of the MapKit Framework. With a small set of customizable settings the simple cluster algorithm provides an easy way to cluster your annotations. The source code is free to use in non-commercial and commercial projects without our written consent. Additions or bug-fixes are more than welcome. Shout-outs are always encouraged. Enjoy!
RevMobSDK for showing ads, banners, more games link and many more.
Keychain wrapper for iOS and Mac OS X.
Overlay style NSScrollView even when a mouse is attached.
RFQuiltLayout is a subclass of UICollectionViewLayout that positions various sized cells like a maison laying bricks.
Various Objective-C categories and additions that have served me well over the years. Hopefully then can serve you too!
A Cocoa / Objective-C library for interfacing with the iOS AddressBook. Also adds geocoding support.
A simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.
An Objective-C library to make UITableView setup simpler, specifically for custom designs.
Provides a rich set of matchers for use in testing RestKit applications with the Kiwi Behavior Driven Development library.
Custom UIPageControl implementation using blocks to draw the indicator.
A class that conforms to the NSErrorRecoveryAttempting informal protocol and allows using blocks to provide recovery options for an error.
A UIImageView subclass that ignores touches on transparent pixels.
an easy-to-use, Objective-C interface to the AES functionality of CommonCrypto.
Easily manage themes and respond to theme changes by updating views in real time.
Custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass implementation of a roulette wheel of cards.
A native in-app URL router for iOS.
A routing API for CocoaHTTPServer.
A simple, block-based UIActionSheet wrapper.
yet another menu tray controller like sparrow and path.
An event driven tableview. supports UIAppearance and more.
ARC based OAuth engine for MKNetworkKit.
Set and get encrypted values from the iOS keychain.
Rich text formatting based on HTML-like markups for iOS.
Ruby string manipulation methods as a category on NSString.
Rump-iOS is Rump client for iOS devices..
map, filter, fold, and detect for Cocoa collections.
A framework for transforming and combining data from Core Data and other sources and displaying it in a UITableView or UICollectionView.
A simple library to create sliding menus that can be used in storyboards and support static cells.
Sliding menus are used in a number of popular applications like Facebook, Path 2.0, GMail, Glassboard and many others.
This library implements strict JSON parsing and generation in Objective-C.
Custom view controller container that uses a segmented control to switch between view controllers.
An easy to use ticker view with inspiration from Flipboard.
SCKit is a simple, unfocused Objective-C library. It is designed to contain useful code for both iOS and OS X projects. Currently, it has a definite iOS bias, but that may change in the future.
Wrapper for SCNetworkReachability methods of SystemConfiguration.framework.
SCPageScrubberBar is a page scrubber bar like ibooks. SCPageScrubberBar works with iOS5.0+ and ARC.
An NSScrollView subclass to allow the popular "pull to refresh" from iPhone to work on Mac OS X Lion.
Handle show/hiding of the iOS network activity indicator.
URLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad.
This library provides a category for UIImageVIew with support for remote images coming from the web. It provides an UIImageView category adding web image and cache management to the Cocoa Touch framework, an asynchronous image downloader, an asynchronous memory + disk image caching with automatic cache expiration handling, a guarantee that the same URL won't be downloaded several times, a guarantee that bogus URLs won't be retried again and again, and performances!
This pod provides a set of utilities for automated testing on iOS.
Ridiculously simple iOS video uploader classes for YouTube, Facebook, etc.
SecureUDID is an open-source sandboxed UDID solution aimed at solving the main privacy issues that caused Apple to deprecate UDIDs.
Drag and drop UIView subclasses for iOS.
Format phone numbers in Objective-C using libphonenumber.
An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
An NSDate category to have humanly meaningful time intervals since todays date. Localizations available for Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, English, and German.
Extension for the SenTestingKit for asynchronous testing.
Sequencer is an iOS library for asynchronous flow control.
The iPhone needs a better way to make HTTP requests, specifically calls to REST web services. Seriously mixes Blocks with NSURLConnection & NSOperationQueue to do just that. It also will automatically parse the JSON response into a dictionary if the response headers are set correctly.
A super easy to use launcher for your iOS projects.
SciFiHiFi Utilities for manipulating the keychain.
Categories expanding both NSNotificationCenter and KVO to provide auto removal of observers.
Façade implementation for Facebook-iOS-SDKIt enables you to access the Facebook Platform APIs including the Graph API, FQL, and Dialogs.
A parent view controller for the iPad which manages a stack of controllers while keeping the top two controllers visible.
PTHotKeysLib has served us well for many years, but as I was upgrading my company's applications to run natively in 64 bit I was running into issues. The original code itself used many deprecated methods, 32 bit integer types, etc. As I fixed those issues, my OCD started to get the best of me and I started reformatting and rewriting portions of the code using modern Objective-C practices and paradigms.
A block based account handler for dealing with remote accounts and storing them on the device. Does currently use reverse auth with Twitter - incase you need Twitter access from a server. If the device does not have a Twitter account: it will request one and then store it on the device. If it has multiple accounts on the device: it will let you pick which Twitter account to request reverse auth for.
A Keychain based Account Storage similar to ACAccount for third party providers.
The api works the same way as the Accounts framework.
ShakingAlertView is a UIAlertView subclass with a password entry textfield. Incorrect password entry causes a 'shake' animation similar to the OS X account login screen.
+(SHViewControllerAlert )alertControllerWithStoryboardId:(NSString )storyboardId
withTitle:(NSString *)theTitle
andMessage:(NSString *)theMessage;
-(void)show; -(void)dismiss; -(void)setButtonTitleForCancel:(NSString )theTitle withBlock:(SHAlertButtonTappedBlock)theBlock; -(void)setButtonTitleForDestructive:(NSString )theTitle withBlock:(SHAlertButtonTappedBlock)theBlock; -(void)setButtonTitleForAction:(NSString *)theTitle withBlock:(SHAlertButtonTappedBlock)theBlock; .
ShallWeAd SDK.
ShapeKit includes all the OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS enhanced topology functions.
If you don't know, you probably don't need this library. The Shapefile format is a working and interchange format promulagated by ESRI for simple vector data with attributes. An excellent white paper on the shapefile format is available from ESRI, but it is .pdf format, so you will need Adobe Acrobat to browse it.
The file format actually consists of three files.
XXX.shp - holds the actual vertices. XXX.shx - hold index data pointing to the structures in the .shp file. XXX.dbf - holds the attributes in xBase (dBase) format.
Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps.
A sharing controller that allows anyone to implement sharing into their projects easily. iOS 5 will use action sheets and iOS 6 will use the new activity view controller. Readability, Pocket, and Instapaper are added also for read-later services to share with articles.
Fixed pattern for authentication via different providers
SHOmniAuthProvider is an abstract pattern (protocol) to define an authentication flow. Ask the users to pick from a list of accounts to auth or add a new account.
A strategy for authenticating with LinkedIn via SHOmniAuth. Uses SHAccountStore.
A strategy for authenticating with Twitter via SHOmniAuth. Uses reverse authentication and ACAccountStore.
Detecting iOS screenshots ala Snapchat and Facebook Poke.
Pass in an SHAccount (or anything that follows the account protocol) and do signed requests. Same API sa SLRequest.
Objective-C Client for the SignalR Project works with iOS and Mac.
Simple KML is a simple & lightweight parsing library for KML written in Objective-C for the iOS platform.
SimpleRemoteObject is a simple Objectie-C library that can create your classes' instance from server-side JSON text.
sina weibo sdk of sso and Oauth2.0.
iOS SDK for Singly.
Lightweight notifications in iOS apps.
is component which allows you to easily add bindings to your code with support for ARC.
It is designed so you can bind two objects or UIViews, or any other combination of those two. Basic purpose of this component is to enable binding between models and Views without having to write a lot of unnecessary code which handels everything.
allows you to dynamically add or remove bindings. You can specify wheather you would like one-way or two-way binding. It has an integrated support for cycle detection in your bindings. For instance if you have object A
with properties a
, b
and c
. You will not be allowed to make bindings like this A.a -> A.b -> A.c -> A.a
because that would cause bindings to refresh themselves indefinetly. You can also define specific transformations you want to do before for instance A.a
refreshes object A.b
via blocks.
Bindings are supported for any kind of user defined NSObject
subclasses and in UIKit
for UILabel
, UITextField
, UITextView
, UISwitch
and UISlider
. But you can add support for custom UIView
is a CAKeyframeAnimation
subclass that creates an animation for you based on start and end values and a number of bounces. It’s based on the math and technology in this blogpost: which in turn was based partially on Matt Gallagher’s work here:
SKInnerShadowLayer is a CAGradientLayer subclass that adds properties to create an inner shadow on a given layer.
Multivariate & A/B Testing for iOS and Mac.
A simple, extensible markup language for styling NSAttributedStrings. The language is similar in appearance to HTML, however the tag vocabulary and styles can be easily customized by passing a dictionary argument to the parser.
This is a very simple subclass of UITextField that is designed to look like a Bootstrap input field.
SlimeRefresh looks like UIRefreshControl in iOS6, SlimeRefresh can also run on iOS4.0 and later...
Objc runtime additions.
SMCalloutView aims to be an exact replica of the private UICalloutView system control.
We all love those "bubbles" you get when clicking pins in MKMapView. But sadly, it's impossible to present this bubble-style "Callout" UI anywhere outside MKMapView. Phooey! So this class painstakingly recreates this handy control for your pleasure.
UIScrollView subclass that uses methods similar to UITableView, UITableViewDataSource, and UITableViewDelegate.
Designers love to make beautifully custom page controls that fit in with all the wood, gradients, and inner shadows they've worked so hard perfecting.
Who can blame them?! SMPageControl makes it dead simple to give them what they want. Even better, SMPageControl is a drop in replacement for UIPageControl. It mirrors all the functions of UIPageControl, with literally no changes beyond the class name.
SMWebRequest is a very handy lightweight HTTP request class for iOS.
It encapsulates a single HTTP request and response, and is designed to be less verbose and simpler to use than NSURLConnection. The server response is buffered completely into memory then passed back to event listeners as NSData. Optionally, you can specify a delegate which can process the NSData in some way on a background thread then return something else.
More info in the blog post:
SMXMLDocument is a very handy lightweight XML parser for iOS.
More info in the blog post:
NSObject subclass for doing interesting things.
An client library for iOS and Mac.
Automatic Core Data change tracking for OS X (NSFetchedResultsController port).
SNRHUDKit is a framework that brings missing HUD controls and interface elements to AppKit. All of the controls are fully compatible with OS X 10.6 and 10.7. Each of the NSControl subclasses are completely independent (aside from a few categories) so you are free to pick and choose the controls you need instead of using the entire framework.
SocialAccounts is an iOS framework that provides an easy way to manage social network accounts.
Interface to communicate between Objective C and Socket.IO with the help of websockets. It's based on fpotter's socketio-cocoa and uses other libraries/classes like SocketRocket, json-framework (optional) and jsonkit (optional).
A conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library.
With SOCKit and SOCPattern you can easily transform objects into strings and vice versa.
Self-contained, two-file (.h/.m) iPhone/iPad components that are dead-easy to drop into your projects.
An NSValueTransformer subclass to turn an NSDate into a string expressing its relative age from now.
Sparrow is a pure Objective-C library that was built from ground up for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you have already worked with Adobe™ Flash or Starling, you will feel right at home: Sparrow uses the same concepts and naming schemes.
SpatiaLite is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities.
An Objective-C behaviour-driven development library.
Specta is a light-weight testing framework for Objective-C and Cocoa that adds RSpec-like DSL to OCUnit. It is super quick and easy to set up, and because it runs on top of OCUnit, it has an excellent Xcode integration and accurate error site reporting. Use your preferred matcher and mocking framework. Expecta and OCMock are recommended.
Has been renamed to Typhoon.
Making ObjC succinct: KVO tools including SPDepends, and macros for "POD" literals.
Custom tab bar container controller for iOS 5.
SQLCipher is an open source extension to SQLite that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files.
SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine.
Sqlite3 Objective-C wrapper.
Like UIDatePicker, but without the days.
SSCheckBoxView is a check box UI control for iOS apps.
Eliminate your Core Data boilerplate code.
SSKeychain is a simple utility class for making the system keychain less sucky.
SSPullToRefresh is a simple and highly customizable pull to refresh view. It lets you implement a content view separate so you don't have to hack up the pulling logic everything you want to customize the appearance.
SSToolkit is a collection of well-documented iOS classes for making life easier by solving common problems all iOS developers face. Some really handy classes are SSCollectionView, SSGradientView, SSSwitch, and many more.
SSZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac.
STableViewController is a custom table view controller that supports pull-to-refresh and load-more. It was designed to have views and behaviors that can be easily customized.
Stack Blur implementation for iOS.
StackMob's SDK for accessing the StackMob Services on iOS.
StackMob's Push SDK for sending push notifications via the StackMob Services on iOS.
StandardPaths is a category on NSFileManager for simplifying access to standard application directories on iOS and Mac OS and abstracting the iCloud backup flags on iOS. It also provides support for working with device-specific file suffixes, such as the @2x suffix for Retina displays, or the -568h suffix for iPhone 5 and can optionally swizzle certain UIKit methods to support these suffixes more consistently.
Easy to use controller that makes use of the Cocoa ServiceManagement APIs. This is the required way to do login items for sandboxed applications (required for all Mac App Store apps) and works in non-sandboxed applications as well.
It's been tested on 10.7 and 10.8 (and should work on 10.6.6+). Entries set by this class do not appear in the Accounts Panel of System Preferences.
State machine library for Objective-C.
Threadsafe state machine library for Objective-C based on Grand Central Dispatch.
Add the AFNetwork and both files, call - setConsumerKey:secret: and - setAccessToken:secret to set the signing parameters and all calls after that will be signed. If you want a non-authenticated call, use either - unsignedRequestWithMethod:path:parameters: or - setSignRequests(NO).
StorageRoomKit is a static library (iOS) and framework (OS X) that provides helper methods and classes to make it easier to use RestKit with the StorageRoom API (
Lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit framework created with KISS concept and love ❤.
StringScore is an Objective-C library which provides super fast fuzzy string matching/scoring.
Stripe is a web-based API for accepting payments online.
A UIView which allow a scratching behavior.
A custom UILabel view controller for iOS with certain words tappable like Twitter.
Easy stubbing in Objective-C.
Customizable PageControl for iOS.
Customize table view cell border and highlight colors.
Subjective-Script makes Objective-C more scripty by bringing JavaScript-like syntax and features to Objective-C.
Markdown parser based on the Upskirt library by Natacha Porté. Written in C with a lightweight Objective-C Wrapper.
Surikae exchanges a class or instance method with blocks. It’s helpful for unit testing of Objective-C.
Survey is a library to simplify the process of creating and validating forms. This library is loosely based on CoreData and Django forms.
Simple Cocoa wrapper for the Google Geocoding Service.
A Cocoa framework for rendering SVG files as Core Animation layers.
SVHTTPRequest is a simple and extremely straightforward way to communicate with RESTful web APIs for iOS and Mac. It is blocked-based, uses NSURLConnection, ARC, as well as NSJSONSerialization to automatically parse JSON responses (making it only compatible with iOS 5+ and OS X 10.7+).
SVProgressHUD is an easy-to-use, clean and lightweight progress HUD for iOS. It’s a simplified and prettified alternative to the popular MBProgressHUD. The success and error icons are from Glyphish.
SVPullToRefresh allows you to easily add pull-to-refresh functionality to any UIScrollView subclass with only 1 line of code. Instead of depending on delegates and/or subclassing UIViewController, SVPullToRefresh extends UIScrollView with a addPullToRefreshWithActionHandler: method as well as a pullToRefreshView property.
A customizable MKUserLocationView replica for your iOS app.
SVSegmentedControl is a customizable UIControl class that mimics UISegmentedControl but that looks like an UISwitch.
A copycat of the HUD shown on orientation and volume change in iOS.
A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app.
SwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-style dataSource/delegat interface for loading views dynamically, and efficient view loading, unloading and recycling.
A UIViewController subclass for presenting two view controllers inspired in the FaceBook app, done right.
Snapshot Stack View cocoa touch class decorates your UIImage's for presentation to the user with matte border, drop shadows and simulated stack of physical photos.
Simple in memory and on disk cache backed by NSCache in-memory, so that it automatically purges itself when memory gets low. Purged memory keys will automatically be loaded from disk the next time the are requested.
Simple paging scroll view to make complicated tasks easier.
Lightweight and magic dependency injection framework. Uses ObjC runtime to do the magic.
Objective-C client for the Altmetric API.
TapkuLibrary is an iOS library built on Cocoa and UIKit intended for broad use in applications. If you're looking to see what the library can do, check out the demo project included. Some major components include coverflow, calendar grid, network requests and progress indicators.
NSTask reimplementation a simpler interface.
TBXML is a light-weight XML document parser written in Objective-C designed for use on Apple iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch devices. TBXML aims to provide the fastest possible XML parsing whilst utilising the fewest resources. This requirement for absolute efficiency is achieved at the expense of XML validation and modification. It is not possible to modify and generate valid XML from a TBXML object and no validation is performed whatsoever whilst importing and parsing an XML document.
XML to NSDictionary through TBXML.
TBXML is a light-weight XML document parser written in Objective-C designed for use on Apple iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch devices (also Mac OSX compatible). TBXML aims to provide the fastest possible XML parsing whilst utilizing the fewest resources. This requirement for absolute efficiency is achieved at the expense of XML validation and modification. It is not possible to modify and generate valid XML from a TBXML object and no validation is performed whatsoever whilst importing and parsing an XML document.
TCAHP gives you an extremely lightweight networking API where you send and receive JSON-safe NSDictionaries ("hashes") back and forth between a client and server. It's layered on top of AsyncSocket.
Try out colors within an iOS App without time-killing trial and error using build and run cycles.
Easy runtime localisation so you do not have to maintain multiple XIBs.
TDBadgedCell grew out of the need for TableViewCell badges and the lack of them in iOS. TDBadgedCell was written originally using CGPaths but as more people began to use TDBadgeCell the more customisation people wanted.
Tesseract and Leptonica libraries compiled for iOS.
Tesseract-ios is an Objective-C wrapper for Tesseract OCR.
A CocoaLumberjack logger for TestFlight.
TestFlightSDK for over-the-air beta testing and crash reporting.
Unit-testing Cocoa just got easy.
Add TextExpander touch functionality to your iOS app!
TGJSBridge is a lightweight javascript bridge to cocoa. TGJSBridge is iOS4 and iPad compatible.
An iOS view used for selecting multiple contacts. This view mimic the contact selection in the Apple Mail app.
An objective C utility that lets you add a wrapper to any function.
THLabel is a subclass of UILabel, which additionally allows shadow blur, stroke text and fill gradient.
Easy, lightweight, object-based key-value observing and -binding.
Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers.
Three20 is a collection of iPhone UI classes, like a photo viewer, and general utilities,like an HTTP disk cache. This is a lite edition of Three20, which contains some importantchanges compared to the original Three20 project. See project homepage for more details.
A generic and extendable ad-hoc networking framework for easy device discovery, capability checking and pattern based RPC communication.
TimeScroller is an effort to reproduce the nifty view that hovers beside the scroll bar in the Path app.
TimesSquare is an Objective-C calendar view for your apps.
Tin aims to make talking to webservices from Cocoa a lot simpler. It uses blocks and (the excellent HTTP library) ASIHttp to make requests look simple.
Allows you to swipe a UITableViewCell and reveal a back view, functions like cells in the Twitter app.
An iOS version of the NSTokenField (See To: field in Mail and Messages).
Rounded corners without images and much more.
SenTest category with Asynchronous support.
Observer pattern with compile-time type checking for Objective-C.
A horizontal gradient which adjusts its appearance based on the positional attitude of an iOS device.
A UISlider subclass which adjusts its appearance based on the positional attitude of an iOS device.
Interface similar to the UITableView with UI similar to Pintrest.
An unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application.
A UIView category that adds Android-style toast notifications to iOS.
CouchDB-compatible mobile database; Objective-C version.
TouchJSON is an Objective-C based parser and generator for JSON encoded data.
TouchXML is a lightweight replacement for Cocoa's NSXML* cluster of classes.
Is a UIView layout helper.
A simple, fast circular buffer implementation.
This is a relatively universal, drop-in solution: UIScrollView and UITableView subclasses that handle everything.When the keyboard is about to appear, the subclass will find the subview that's about to be edited, and adjust its frame and content offset to make sure that view is visible, with an animation to match the keyboard pop-up. When the keyboard disappears, it restores its prior size.
A simple dependency injection framework for objective c, written while traveling in a train.
Improves SenTestingKit test output, and provides an API for defining custom reporters.
A block-based API for NSValueTransformer, with a growing collection of useful examples.
A block-based State Machine API for Objective-C.
Flexible and highly configurable auto complete view, attachable to any UITextField.
TreemapKit is a treemap implementation for Cocoa Touch. You can display treemaps in iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
Push/Pop transition for entire UINavigationController views.
Objective-C class for importing files from user's iPod Library in iOS4.
This framework provides an easy to use class to show little notification views on the top of the screen. (à la Tweetbot).
The notification moves from the top of the screen underneath the navigation bar and stays there for a few seconds, depending on the length of the displayed text. To dismiss a notification before the time runs out, the user can swipe it to the top or just tap it. There are 4 different types already set up for you: Success, Error, Warning, Message.
An in-app web browser control for iOS apps.
TTOpenInAppActivity uses an UIDocumentInteractionController to present all Apps than can handle the document specified with a file URL.
Fully customizable switch for iOS using images.
A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more.
NSLocalizedString with a Count Argument.
A collection of objective-c IOS utilities.
Tune-up is a collection of JavaScript utilities that builds upon and improves the UIAutomation library provided by Apple for testing iOS applications via Instruments (get it? "tune-up"? Instruments? get it?).
A UIActivity subclass that opens URLs in Safari.
A control used to select a value from a bunch of values. This control is drawn as horizontal bar with scale below it.
Custom picker view with increment decrement operations.
The Twelve Twenty Toolkit of reusable Objective-C classes.
Objective-C port of the twitter-text handling libraries.
Authenticate to Twitter and ACAccount with reverse auth and obtain keys that are usable from the server.
TwUI is a hardware accelerated UI framework for Mac, inspired by UIKit. It enables: - GPU accelerated rendering backed by CoreAnimation. - Simple model/view/controller development familiar to iOS developers.
It's a simple tool to help you use CoreData in your multithreaded iOS/Mac app CORRECTLY.
Provides the ability to enter text by simulating key presses.
A dependency injection container for Objective-C. Light-weight, yet flexible and full-featured.
Objective-C wrapper for the Github API.
An animated modal panel alternative for iOS.
Button view which can position text caret and define text selection of a text view in parallel to its touch drag movement.
UDTableView allowsMultipleSelection backport to pre iOS5.
A category for UIAlertView and UIActionSheet which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate.
Symbol extension for UIBezierPath class (UIBezierPath category).
Cocoa UI component for chat bubbles with avatars and images support.
A category for UIColor that adds flat UI color methods.
UIColor category to cross fade between two UIColors at a specific ratio.
Helpful utilities for UIColor for iPhone.
Apple stopped supporting a unique identifier for iOS. This source code solves the problem. It generates a unique identifier based on the mac address of the device in combination with the bundle identifier.
UIDeviceHardware is a class which allows querying of the current users device, and returns a human formatted string.
Generate system like or other nice button without any image.
Simple UIImage+PDF renderer category for iOS scalable assets.
UIImage categories extension for resizing, change alpha, and create round corner.
Category to add some resizing methods to the UIImage class, to resize it to a given CGRect — or fit in a CGRect keeping aspect ratio.
Block based Category additions for AlertView and ActionSheets.
UIMenuItem with Image Support.
A simple workaround to the annoying problem of keyboard lag.
Handy UIResponder event chaining.
UISS stands for UIKit Style Sheets. UISS is an iOS library that provides you with a convenient way to define the style of your application. UISS is built on top of UIKit UIAppearance proxies.
A category on UITableView that adds an empty view that can be shown whenever the table view has no cells.
Simple pinch-zoom category for UITextView.
jQuery-like getter/setter category methods for UIView frame components.
UIView+Helpers is a collecion of methods that make laying out UIViews easier and readable.
Category methods for UIView for easy size, center and origin manipulation.
Less code to position and resize UIView objects.
Tired of subclassing UIView just to implement drawRect? This is a category on UIView to create an instance with a block for its drawRect.
Position category on UIView.
iOS UIWebView category to remove the top and bottom shadow that Apple automatically adds to every webview.
UMeng analytics SDK for iOS.
UMeng analytics SDK for iOS.
Underscore.m is an Objective-C library inspired by underscore.js.
Unoffical Twitter SDK
While creating an app which needed simple twitter interactions i found that all of the exisiting libraries used OOB signon. I also found that all the libraries looked different to the facebook login method. What i have done is using the code from the facebook-ios-sdk built something that behaves the same as the facebook-ios-sdk without using OOB login for oAuth.
The license is Apache 2.0, as i copied a lot of code from the facebook-ios-sdk. All of the copied code is in TwitterDialog.h/.m
I also copied alot of code from as the basis of this project.
The credit here should really go to Facebook and Jaanus Kase because all i have done is put their code together and made something new.
It should be fairly self explanatory to use, but it was written quickly and might still be buggy. If you know of any bugs please tell me so i can fix them, or submit a pull request.
iOS library for Uploadcare.
Static OS X & iOS UPnP library written in Cocoa (UPnP) and C++ (SSDP).The Current implementation has support for control point/client only.
A simple way to integrate Urban Airship services into your iOS applications.
uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C.
This framework allows you to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way. Add your own validators and dependencies of validations.
UserVoice for iOS allows you to embed UserVoice directly in your iPhone or iPad app.
A horizontal UIPickerView control for iOS.
An Objective-C library for verifying JSON against a pattern-based schema.
An open source PDF file reader/viewer for iOS.
We know how hard making a custom video player is. That is why we created VideoPlayerKit. Using VideoPlayerKit is easy. All controls, progress bar, and airplay are already set up to make everyone life easier.
An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.
ViewUtils is a collection of category methods that extend UIView with all the handy little properties and functionality that you always wished were built-in to begin with.
A few superclasses and docs for making horizontal table views.
The iOS SDK provides Vkontakte Platform support for iOS apps.
A harlem shake implementation for iOS.
The vMAT library implements a grab-bag of mathematical functions inspired by MATLAB.
VPPCoreData is a Core Data wrapper with Active Record support that simplifies the task of managing data with Core Data framework. This library offers an automatic setup of Core Data and a set of methods to set and retrieve data, both in foreground and background.
VPPDropDown is an iOS library that allows you to create dropdown-like menus in a table view, as seen in old Tweetie.
VPPLocation Library for iOS simplifies the task of retrieving the user location and reverse geocoder info about it.
VPPMap library for iOS simplifies the creation and management of a MKMapView.
VPPReachability Library for iOS simplifies access to the status of a given hostname.
The Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS is a toolkit for developers to make it easy to access Windows Azure storage services from native iOS applications.
WCAlertView is deliverd from UIAlertView. It's support color customization and blocks.
WebContentView provides a simple native interface for rendering rich HTML content in an iPhone app using a UIWebView. It is not designed to work as a embedded web browser for on or offline content, it doesn't load URLs - think of it more as a "rich" version of the UITextView, where content can be set using HTML instead of plain text.
A standalone iOS class for sending messages to and from javascript in a UIWebView.
The Official iOS SDK of WeChat from Tencent.
Generic popover implementation for iOS with same API as the UIPopoverController for the iPad, but configurable with custom background and available for iPhone as well.
A simple extention to the UIImagePickerController to allow an extra gallery source type.
WhirlyGlobe is a self contained 3D earth display view suitable for use in iPhone and iPad applications.
WhirlyGlobe headers is a self contained 3D earth display view suitable for use in iPhone and iPad applications. (temporary).
The Windows Azure Access Control Service library for iOS is a subset of the Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS and it allows adding federated identity to an iOS app.
Windows Azure Mobile SDK for iOS.
A library for parsing geometries from Well-Known-Text (WKT).
A traditional-style scrollbar for iOS that integrates with existing UIScrollView or UIScrollView subclasses.
This is a self-contained UIView subclass that renders the text portion of a tweet according to Twitter's guidelines at
An iOS framework which allows you to define app workflows in XML.
Lightweight XML-RPC library.
This is an iOS, Objective-C alternative to UIImagePickerController that looks almost exactly the same, but provides the ability to select multiple images. It's as easy to setup as UIImagePickerController and it works in both portrait and landscape orientations. It requires the addition of AssetsLibrary.framework. This code uses ARC.
iOS drop-in class for interactive coach marks with cutouts to spotlight the app's existing UI.
OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS.
A Library to conveniently detect input of Xbox input devices.
A decent page curl transition for iOS.
Input accessory view with previous, next and done buttons.
An API for manipulating Xcode Projects using objective-C.
XingSDK is a framework to access the XING REST API at
Create an NSDictionary from an XML string. Create an XML string from an NSDictionary.
An NSXMLParser-based XML to NSDictionary converter.
The Cocoa XML-RPC Framework is a simple, and lightweight, XML-RPC client framework written in Objective-C.
XPCKit is a Cocoa library for wrapping the XPC C APIs in a handy object-oriented model. It is merely meant as an object-oriented wrapper for the C library, and does not attempt to layer any additional semantics on top. It contains code to run both "clients" (which create connections to services) and "services" (which receive connections), although you can mix and match to write raw C code or Objective-C code between different clients and services.
XRay.framework is essential for using XRay Probe & XRay Editor with your application.
A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app.
Yet Another JSON Library - A Portable JSON parsing and serialization library in ANSI C.
YAML.framework provides support for YAML (de)serialisation similarly to standard NSPropertyListSerialization. Based on C LibYAML library by Kirill Simonov.
Use Yandex Geocoding API for forward and reversed geocoding.
Static library for embedding Yandex.Maps into iOS applications.
Framework for statecharts. A statecharts is a formalized type of finite state machine.
Attaches draggable scroll bar on top of original UIScrollView for iOS5+, works like a drug.
Pinterest-like scroll-to-fullscreen UI for iOS.
Inner-shadow UIView/CALayer for iOS.
facebook's post-like input text view for iOS.
Custom progress bar for iOS (4.0 or over) with an animated background.
YRDropdownView is a view library for displaying stylish alerts, warnings, and errors.
YTFExtensions - extensions and categories.
Corrector for keyboard used in iOS.
UITableView with placeholder view.
Simple toggler for side views.
YTVimeoExtractor is a class which lets you get the iOS compatible video url from Vimeo which you can use in MPMoviePlayerController, no need to use a UIWebView.
An easy-to-use activity bar that's meant to non-intrusively display the progress of a task.
ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, such as video streams, image files and raw intensity sensors. It supports many popular symbologies (types of bar codes) including EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code.
ZeroPush is a lightweight wrapper for the ZeroPush API.
Cardinal & ordinal compass directions from a compass heading in degrees, (aka Boxing the Compass).
Objective-C implementation of the Haversine formula & Spherical Law of Cosines used to find the distance between two GPS coordinates.
Background Proof, Termination Proof Timer, Reboot Proof Timer.
ZGParallelView is the easiest way to add a Parallax effect to a UITableView.
Awesome Scroll Category for DragUp and PullDown.
The cool thing about ZGPullDragTableView is that, the header and the footer view is a complete functional UIView
over which you have complete control.
Is also super easy to use, the API is very thright forward.
After import UITableView+ZGPullDrag.h
to you source file, UITableView
will have two more method.
- (void)addZGPullView:(UIView *)pullView;
- (void)addZGDragView:(UIView *)dragView;
and also two more Delegate
@property (nonatomic) id <ZGPullViewDelegate> ZGPullViewDelegate;
@property (nonatomic) id <ZGDragViewDelegate> ZGDragViewDelegate;
all of its delegate method are optional.
ZipArchive is an Objective-C class to compress or uncompress zip files, which is base on open source code "MiniZip".
It can be used for iPhone application development, and cocoa on Mac OSX as well.
ZipKit is an Objective-C framework for reading and writing Zip archives in Mac OS X and iOS apps. It supports the standard PKZip format, files larger than 4GB in size using PKZip's zip64 extensions, optionally, resource forks in a manner compatible with Mac OS X's Archive Utility (in the Mac OS X targets only), and clean interruption so archiving can be cancelled by the invoking object (e.g., a NSOperation or NSThread).
The zip file is an ideal container for compound Objective-C documents. Zip files are widely used and well understood. You can randomly access their parts. The format compresses decently and has extensive operating system and tool support. So we want to make this format an even easier choice for you. Thus, the library features:
An Objective-C Port of ZXing.